
consumer n.1.【經濟學】消費者,用戶。2.用電設備。3.【生物...

consumer credit

Thus a “moderate“ price policy promotes stability of the cartel at the same time that it does not push consumers into alternative market channels . 因此,一個“溫和的”價格政策在促進卡特爾穩定的同時,又不致于驅使消費國家改換市場渠道。

The role of government is to spend less and tax people more in order to reduce consumer demand and thus curtail general price increases . 政府的作用就是減少支出,增加稅收,以便減少消費者需求,制止價格的普遍上漲。

Maintaining low food prices for urban consumers is an important motivation for having pricing policies that discriminate against farmers . 對城市消費者保持糧食低價格是歧視農民的定價政策得以推行的重要促進因素。

Consumer food price policies are also changing in africa, where urban consumption has been heavily subsidized for many decades . 非洲的糧食消費價格也在變化,那里的城市消費幾十年來一直得到巨額補貼。

The effects of a tariff on the well-being of consumers and producers do not exhaust its effects on the importing nation . 關稅對消費者和生產者的福利影響,并沒有包括它對出口國的影響。

Consumers in another town are attracted by the size of the town and deterred by the distance to be travelled . 另一城鎮的消費者既被這個城市的規模所吸引,同時又被兩地間的距離所阻礙。

Consumers were begining to look beyond the austere and the purely functional to consider more sporty and luxury models . 消費者開始不看樸素的代步車了,他們要考慮買跑車型的豪華車。

Consumers would get into trouble by treating their little plastic cards as if they were money in the bank . 消費者如果以為他手上的小小塑料卡片就等于是銀行里的存款,那就會出問題。

Next to food, textiles and such textile products as clothing are the most important class of consumer goods . 紡織品和制衣之類的紡織物產品,是僅次于糧食的消費物品中最重要的一類。

Even with proper and efficient coordination, planning may still be insensitive to the wishes of consumers . 即使加以適當而有效的協調,計劃制定對于消費者的愿望仍可能不夠敏感。

A computer algorithm is used to find the minimum travel time between all consumer nodes and all bank locations . 利用計算機程序找出所有消費者點和所有銀行點間的最少往來時間。

There were blown authors; but also consumers of latenight coffee, smokers of cigars, singers of ribald songs . 有含苞待放的作家;也有深夜喝咖啡、抽雪茄,唱放蕩歌曲之輩。

The popular consumers organization, power & light for people, reaffirms its stand against all violence . 民間消費組織,電力為人民服務會,重申其一貫反對一切暴力的立場。

Another service that help prevent surplus of farm products during peak seasons is consumer marketing information . 另一種防止旺季農產品過剩的服務是提供消費市場的情報。

The fruits of such a system are a glittering consumer society which stifles creativity and individuality . 這種制度的結果就是一個壓制創造性和個性的閃光的消費者社會。

The consumers sensed that something was wrong, and the cimarron bombed in the market place . 消費者意識到其中一定有問題,于是奇馬龍就在市場上銷聲匿跡了。

The consumer flits from one purchase to another in response to pressures of fashion and advertising . 消費者在購買物品時的選擇取決于流行風尚和廣告宣傳。

In addition to being wasteful, duplication may be inconvenient and irritating to consumers . 重復投資不僅造成浪費,也會給消費者帶來不便和激起不滿。

Consumers of public water supplies expect and have a right to demand turbidity-free water . 靠公共給水的用戶希望并且有權要求使用無濁度的水。