
consumedly adv.過分地,極端地。


To develop a fever the record company to become number of the sacd chen s , and continuously released sacd software to large consumer to result in the to is first into for the lord “ of very deep impression . and the dvd - audio is however lovely of hour , return in the cradle main reason for bitter record company that timetable for breaking solving defending the pirate edition password , from and consumedly postponing the dvd - audio the record releasing , this also much suffer the pirate editioning temporary take no account ofing to dvd - audio camp supporting of black guest of quilt calculator 其次,軟件供應方面也是sacd捷足先登,至今已有超過300款sacd唱片面世,國內看得到的也有近百種,其中sony和philips一方面憑借自己旗下的唱片公司源源不斷地出版sacd碟以示支持。另一方面更說服telarc dmp拿索絲digital等發燒唱片公司加盟sacd陳營,不斷推出sacd軟件給廣大消費者造成了“先入為主”的極深印象。而dvd - audio卻時乖命蹇,還在搖籃中就被計算機黑客破解了防盜版密碼,從而大大推遲了dvd - audio唱片推出的時間表,這也是許多飽受盜版之苦的唱片公司暫不考慮對dvd - audio陣營支持的主要原因。

An popular notion of decoupling degree for analysis and judgement is given in this paper . it is based on the investigation of the predecessor , such as bristol ' s relative amplifying method which assessed the coupling degree according to the value of that departed from 1 . but when the value was negative , the interacting extent was more serious than the value which was consumedly bigger than 1 本文提出了一種對分析與判斷解耦系統有普遍意義的耦合度新概念,是在吸收前人許多研究成果基礎上加以改進與完善的,如bristol提出相對放大系數_ ( ij )的方法,以_ ( ij )偏離1的大小來判斷耦合度的大小,但實際上, _ ( ij )為負數時,系統耦合的情況遠比_ ( ij )大大超過1的情況嚴重得多。

For the general season time series , according to the model of season autoregressive integrated moving average , the concept of horizontal and lengthways trend are gave , and a new season time series model is brought forward . and then the process of modeling is simplified consumedly . to the estimate problem of a kind of time series , the model performance is good 對于一般的季節時間序列,我們基于季節自回歸求和均值模型,引入了橫向和縱向趨勢的概念,提出了一類新的季節時間序列模型,大大簡化了建模的過程,對一類時間序列的預測問題,模型性能表現良好。

Internet technique emergence , makes the e - business possible , and not only consumedly expanding the bargain scope , but also availably shortening bargain time , lowering the bargain cost . how the professional enterprises share profit to use the professional information , and ask for help to realize the purchase , produce , manage with the e - business , has already become the urgent need Internet技術的出現,使電子化交易成為可能,不僅大大擴展了交易的范圍,而且可以有效地縮短交易時間、降低交易成本,行業間的企業如何充分利用行業信息,借助電子商務技術來實現采購、生產、經營和管理流程,已經成為迫切的需求。

The rule of induction bow attenuation wave that is excited first field and formed in internal will be different with the difference of electric capability of geology body and existence position . so this method can resolve geology question and predigest consumedly research of geology object abnormity 隨地質體導電性能及空間賦存位置的不同,感應渦流衰變的規律也有所不同,通過分析和研究二次磁場的時空變化特征,達到解決地質問題的目的,因而大大地簡化了對地質目標體所產生異常的研究。

Related elucidation : in the above data , from the entry - level pure water to pure water , it measures to 75 % for . namely each 1 . 25 rise the entry - level pure water can produce pure water 1 rise , the running water system is pure aqueous of parameter is also such , from above the data can see , in make take the circuit plank the production have to of the purely aqueous process , adoption collections waste water of way , make the waste water get and return and use in water , reduce waste water and exhaust in the meantime , in this process , not only a great deal of decrease the waste water exhaust quantity , and list make water cost but talk , use waste water each time produce on signing square and pure water , can decline low cost 0 . 34 dollars at least , more important can lower waste water and exhaust quantity consumedly 相關說明:以上數據中,從初級純水到純水,其為出量為75 % .即每1 . 25升初級純水可以產純水1升,自來水制純水的參數也是如此,由以上數據可以看出,在制取線路板生產所必須的純水的過程中,采用收集廢水的方式,使廢水得到中水回用,同時減少廢水排放,在此過程中,不但大量減少了廢水排放量,并且單就制水成本而言,用廢水每生產一立方純水,可至少降低成本0 . 34元,更重要的是可以大大降低廢水的排放量

Secondly , based on frequency analysis and taken baishi reservoir as an example , study is carried out on extreme risk rate of limited water level dynamic control , which considers the security of dam and downstream protecting objects . case study shows that with the prerequisite of variant extreme risk index and limited water level , methods for computing and querying extreme risk rate is feasible . computing tune is consumedly reduced with graph solution , and gui offers a practical tool for decesion - makers . this method has extensive application potential to new built reservoirs without forecasing operation conditions 通過白石水庫的實例研究表明,分別以不同極限風險率指標為前提、在不同汛期限制水位下起調洪水,其極限風險率的計算和查求方法是可行的;通過圖解簡化了水庫調度運用時的計算工作量,亦可通過計算機交互界面,為決策者提供了一個切實可行的工具,方便決策者應用。對于那些新建、還不具備預報調度條件水庫,本方法有推廣應用價值。

Currently , the oubeier product of europe operates through a more successful business of a series , there is good sale accomplishment in national and each terminal market of big city , each agency also throws in a great deal of local area advertisement in the place district , making the popularity of “ oubeier “ brand raised consumedly , also getting the approbation of the consumer 目前,歐貝爾產品通過一系列較為成功的商業運作,在全國各大城市終端市場有了良好的銷售業績,各代理也在所在區域投入大量的區域性廣告,使“歐貝爾“品牌的知名度大大提高,也得到了消費者的認同。

My interest is an exercise since the childhood , and a beginning like last basketball from the country , as a result attended the basketball team of the school with the favour , have a bitterness to have joy in this training period , also attend a few consumedly small games , step out up to now society , also still to basketball this passion doesn ' t reduce the slightest , taking remaining and 35 good friends of the day off free time to play ball mutually and about now , practicing body to keep physical strength , so to work up will also have to help rather and greatly 從小我的興趣就是運動,而從國一開始喜歡上籃球,因而憑著喜好參加了學校的籃球隊,在這段訓練期間有苦有樂,也參加不少大大小小比賽,至今踏出社會了,也依然對籃球這份熱愛絲毫不減,現在趁著假日空暇之馀和三五好友相約打球,練練身體保持體力,這樣對工作上也會有相當大幫助。

In addition , instead of portal brake of j53 - 1000b model , the brake device of j53 - 1000c altered into rushing board brake , thus the dependability of braking is consumedly advanced , being convenient to adjust , and the rigidity strengthening of plate design reduces the vibration noise during the working of press . with cast steel as material of slide , slide weight of j53 - 1000c model is increased 1 thousand kgs than j53 - 1000b model with nodular cast iron as material . plus that the width from front and back of frame upright post of j53 - 1000b model is 750mm , while its 1000mm for j53 - 1000c model , increasing 250mm than the former J53 - 1000c螺桿螺母螺旋副使用壽命及螺桿的剛度也增加剎車裝置由原j53 - 1000b型門剎車改為j53 - 1000c推板式剎車,制動可靠性大大提高,而且便于調整,平臺設計剛度增強降低了壓力機工作中的振動噪聲j53 - 1000c型滑塊支背材質鑄鋼j53 - 1000b型的為球墨鑄鐵而且j53 - 1000c型滑塊重量比j53 - 1000b型增加1000公斤, j53 - 1000c型機架立柱前后寬1000毫米比j53 - 1000b型機架立柱前后寬750毫米增加250毫米, j53 - 1000c機身重46 . 8噸, j53 - 1000b整體機身重38 . 5噸。

The technique of gis makes automation level of thematic mapping increase consumedly , gis system have been extensively applied by the map - producers and become an important tool in thematic mapping . but in the aspects of thematic mapping automation , mapping system based on gis still has many limitations , particularly the thematic map type and sign automation need manual disposal to be realized . that is the problem that researchers of gis must resolve in the future Gis技術使專題圖生產的自動化水平大大提高,在林業部門gis系統已經得到廣泛的應用,成為林業專題圖生產的重要工具。但在專題圖自動化方面,以gis為基礎的制圖系統仍有一定的不足,尤其是在專題圖式、符號自動化方面仍需要人機交互來完成。

Because the indetermination factor that influence the small town ’ s development increase consumedly , the static mode of the traditional planning of small town have been very difficult to adapt to the dynamic demand of small town in the new period , so increasing the dynamic planning process of small town have become the direction of the small town planning reformation 由于影響小城鎮發展的不確定因素大大增加,傳統小城鎮規劃的靜態模式已經很難適應新時期小城鎮動態發展的需要,增加小城鎮規劃的動態針對性成為小城鎮規劃改革的發展方向。

In addition , instead of portal brake of j93 - 1000b model , the brake device of j93 - 1000c changes into rushing board brake , thus the dependability of braking is consumedly advanced , being convenient to adjust , and the rigidity strengthening of plate design reduces the vibration noises during the working of press . with cast steel as the material of slide , slide weight of j93 - 1000c model is increased 1 thousand kgs than j93 - 1000b model with nodular cast iron as material . plus that the width from front and back of frame upright post of j93 - 1000b model is 750mm , while its 1000mm for j53 - 1000c model , increasing 250mm than the former J93 - 1000c螺桿螺母螺旋副使用壽命及螺桿的剛度也增加剎車裝置由原j93 - 1000b型門剎車改為j93 - 1000c推板式剎車,制動可靠性大大提高,而且便于調整,平臺設計剛度增強降低了壓力機工作中的振動噪聲j93 - 1000c型滑塊支背材質鑄鋼j93 - 1000b型的為球墨鑄鐵而且j93 - 1000c型滑塊重量比j93 - 1000b型增加1000公斤, j93 - 1000c型機架立柱前后寬1000毫米比j93 - 1000b型機架立柱前后寬750毫米增加250毫米, j93 - 1000c機身重46 . 8噸, j93 - 1000b整體機身重38 . 5噸。

The fourth tool , in the past decade it become the special importance , and is a calculator . in a specific way used for the and voice the calculator for learning designing the software to imitating technique ing can consumedly and quickly design the speed , and make them by oneself in the design occupy a seat in tool box 第四種工具,在過去的十年里它變得特別重要,就是計算機。具體用于音頻與聲學設計軟件的計算機模擬技術cads可以大大加快設計速度,使得它們自己在設計者工具箱里占有一個席位。

Using the system developed , we have set up the basic drawing - base of four different valves such as resilient seated gate valve , the wedge flat gate valve and the three - eccentricity butterfly valve etc . so these four type valves can be rapidly designed . it is shown that this system realizes the valve quickly modeling , consumedly increases the valve design efficiency , and has stronger extensibility 應用已建立起的閥門三維參數化設計系統開發了“軟密封膠板閘閥” 、 “撐開式平板閘閥” 、 “三偏心蝶閥”等四種結構的閥門基本圖形庫,可對這四種結構的閥門進行快速序列化設計,大大提高了閥門設計生產效率,并具有較強的可擴充性。

Pump touch with the liquid part is the fluorine plastics , but crust is metal stuff , so the pumpbody is enough to support the weight of pipepad and repel mechanically concussion . imd multilevel magnetic force pumps is electrical engine direct link pattern , by centernog prop up , teardown and maintenance is convenient , the structure is tightly , safety and economize energy , one man can put up check - fixing the part inside and replace it easily , consumedly convenient the usual maintain of customers work 泵接觸液體部分是氟塑料,但外殼是金屬材料,故泵體足以承受管道的重量及抵受機械性沖擊。 imd系列磁力泵為電機直聯式,由中間支架支撐,安裝拆卸方便,結構緊湊安全節能,一人便可以輕松的進行內部檢修和零件更換,大大方便了用戶日常的維護保養工作。

The optimization and simulations system of common machines can help the related science and technology personnel to get the principle parameter of the mechanical design quickly , and this system makes up the scarcity of traditional illustrated manual table method that design result is not enough accurate , and avoids the complications of c , fortran etc . software , it ease workload consumedly . this text combines the matlab software and mechanical design actively , it provides a new method and new tool for mechanical design , this system has an important realistic meaning to teaching process 常用機構優化設計及仿真系統的開發,使的相關科技人員在進行機械原理及機械設計教學和科研過程中,能夠快速準確的根據相應的機構及其參數組在該系統中動態模擬機構的運動規律及形狀尺寸等設計結果,彌補了在機械原理及機械設計的教學實踐和科研中,使用傳統的圖解法進行機械設計結果不夠準確和耗時耗力的缺點,以及利用c + + 、 fortran等高級語言編程進行解析法的運算中編程復雜的缺點,大大減輕工作量,提高了設計效率。

Through this predictive control system controlling and adjusting the artillery ( or other object that requires keeping horizontal state ) can make it keep about horizontal state all the time and make artillerymen easily control the artillery and consumedly increase the probability of shots in the actual combat 通過預測控制系統對船上火炮(或其他需要保持水平的物體)的控制調節,可以保證此物體始終處于水平狀態附近,使炮手對火炮的操縱精度提高,大大提高火炮的實戰命中率。

The main innovation of this article is aiming at the particularity of seismic records , brings forward one improved algorithmic of computing the multi - fractals spectrum and the speed of computing being quickened consumedly , so making the algorithmic adapting the computing of large - scale question about the oil & gas forecast of three - dimensional seismic records 本文的主要創新在于針對地震記錄的特殊性提出了一種多重分形譜的改進算法,大大提高了計算速度,使得該算法能適應三維地震資料油氣預測這樣的大型問題的計算。