
consultative adj.商議的,協商的;咨詢的,顧問的,咨詢機關。 a ...


Consultative committee of international telegraph and telephone , ccitt 國際電話暨電報咨詢委員會

Ccitt consultative committee on international telegraph and telephone 國際電話和電報咨詢委員會

Advisory committee , consultative committee 顧問委員會,咨詢委員會

Member , chinese people s political consultative conference 中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會委員

Consultative document - payment for overtime and related issues 逾時工作補償及有關問題諮詢文件

Report no 4 consultative machinery in the civil service 第四號報告書公務員諮詢機構檢討報告書

To form market management consultative committe in districts 在各分區成立街市管理諮詢委員會

Civil justice reform interim report and consultative paper 民事司法制度改革中期報告及諮詢文件

The general grades consultative committee ggcc 一般職系協商委員會

Asian - african legal consultative committee aalc 亞非法律協商委員會

Ccitt consultative committee on international telephone and telegraph 國際電話電報咨詢委員會

Ccitt consultative committee of international telephone and telegraph 國際電報電話咨詢委員會

Consultative selling : benefit selling , not hard - selling 諮詢銷售技巧:利益銷售而非強行銷售

Ccitt international telephone and telegraph consultative committee 國際電話與電報顧問委員會

Meteorological research , publications and consultative services 氣象研究刊物及專業顧問服務

Meteorological research , publications and consultative services 氣象研究,刊物及專業顧問服務

Ccittinternational telephone and telegraph consultative committee 國際電話與電報咨詢委員會

Ccir international radio consultative committee 國際無線電咨詢委員會

Such consultative work takes place every day 這些諮詢工作,政府各部門無時無刻都在進行中。