
consult vi.商量,協商,商議 (with); 【醫學】會診。 ...


The two adventurers now held a conference in low voices consulting together as to the probable time . 這兩位冒險家低聲商量起來,想猜測當時的時間。

I thought it proper to adjourn all further proceedings in this affair, in order to consult with you . 臣以為必須暫緩審理有關案件,以便向陛下求教。

In this manner the rights and interests of the several gentes were consulted and preserved . 各個氏族的權利和利益通過這種方式來協商而得以維持。

I consulted all interested parties in our government; all agreed to this procedure . 我同我國政府各個有關方面進行了磋商,大家都同意了這個程序。

Alex proposed to hire a specialist consulting firm to advise on needed changes . 亞歷克斯提議雇請專門的顧問公司就必需實行的改革措施提出意見。

Anyone having difficulty in assembling the machine is advised to consult our engineers . 任何人在裝配機器遇到困難時,請咨詢我們的工程師。

She went to consult with the stebbings to know how much pocket money he should be given . 她特意拜訪了斯特賓一家詢問應該給他多少零用費。

An owner can make decisions quickly and decisively without having to consult others . 業主可以迅速果斷地作出決定而不必征求別人的意見。

Edward found his wife's behaviour so extraordinary that he consulted dr ramsay . 愛德華發現妻子過于反常,于是他征求拉姆齊大夫的意見。

The weather bureau should be consulted to find when the temperature will be the most stable . 應向氣象部門查詢,什么時候氣溫最穩定。

He consults squire gaylord about ways of preventing the affair from becoming public . 為了防止事情鬧得滿城皆知,他去求教蓋洛德法官。

Foreign governments consulted her on the health services for their countries . 外國政府經常向她請教有關他們國家保建事業方面的問題。

If you come across a term whose meaning you have forgotten, consult the index . 如果你碰到一個術語,已經忘記它的含義,可查閱索引。

Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned . 查閱與物品搭配用的確切量詞,請參考有關詞條。

I have, previous to this meeting, consulted with a number of our leading men . 我在這次會議之前,就同我們的一些領導人物磋商過。

The amateur astronomer must consult the exposure meter and not rely on his senses . 業余天文學家必須參照曝光表而不能光靠感覺。

We must consult the poets in order to find out about the quantity of a, i, and u . 我們要知道a,i和u的音量,就只好去請教詩人。

Most consulting engineers would consider the work organization disorderly . 大多數咨詢工程師可能會認為工作組織得漫無次序。

Their review should be consulted for a more detailed description of the work . 他們的評論可作為這項工作詳細記述的參考。