
consuetude n.(有法律效力的)習慣,慣例。


Furthermore , our legal institution for acquisition of listing company also has many shortcomings : its specific rules are not detailed enough , its logic is not strict , its inclination of value often self - contradict , its content is not integrated , the corporation law and securities law have n ' t supported it sufficiently , and the particularity of state - owned capital makes it unsuitable to the international consuetude 同時,上市公司收購的法律制度也很不成熟:微觀層面上具體規則不夠詳盡、可行性差,中觀層面上內在邏輯不嚴密、價值取向不清晰、內容不完整,宏觀層面上公司法與證券法體系未能提供足夠制度背景、特殊國有資產關系的介入又不符合國際慣常做法。

However , the employer ' s claim is not easy , especially when the matter is complex and serious . usually , it involves many parties , corresponding professional knowledge ( law , economic , technology , project management ) and consuetude . so the solution process is very complicated 然而,業主對承包商的索賠并不是一件簡單的事情,特別是重大而復雜的問題,它往往涉及到多方面的當事人和相應的專業知識(法律、經濟、技術、項目管理等)及慣例,解決程序十分復雜。

Along with the construction market further opening after china ' s entry into wto , in order to connect the international consuetude as soon as possible , it is essential to implement the mode of valuation with bill of quantities in our country 隨著我國加入世界貿易組織后建筑市場的進一步開放,為了能與國際慣例盡快接軌,在我國建設工程中推行工程量清單計價模式十分必要。

According to chiese conventional consuetude , it ' s also unfilial to having baby late 按照中國人的傳統習俗,晚生孩子也是不孝

According to the local consuetude , most newlywed will go to the ancestral temple 按照多數當地人的習俗,都會到祖廟走一下。