
consubstantial adj.1.同質的,同體的。2.【神學】三位一體的。短語...


Bloom , only born male transubstantial heir of rudolf virag subsequently rudolf bloom of szombathely , vienna , budapest , milan , london and dublin and of ellen higgins , second daughter of julius higgins born karoly and fanny higgins born hegarty ; stephen , eldest surviving male consubstantial heir of simon dedalus of cork and dublin and of mary , daughter of richard and christina goulding born grier 布盧姆是經過松博特海伊74維也納布達佩斯米蘭倫敦而來到都柏林的魯道爾夫維拉格后改名為魯道爾夫布盧姆和艾琳。希金斯之間所生的唯一的男子繼承人,而艾琳是朱利葉斯。

His beaver is up . he is a ghost , a shadow now , the wind by elsinore s rocks or what you will , the sea s voice , a voice heard only in the heart of him who is the substance of his shadow , the son consubstantial with the father 256如今他成為亡靈,成為陰影;他成為從艾爾西諾的峰巖間刮過去的風;或是各遂所愿257 ,成了海洋的聲音只有作為影子的實體的那個人,與父同體的兒子,才聽得見的聲音。 ”

Having experienced competition stage of price and product marketing , currently , automobile industry in the world is at the consubstantial state . service will be a special , satisfied , beyond value product 經歷了價格戰階段和產品質量競爭階段后,全球汽車工業處于同質化的狀態,服務將是一種獨特的、滿意的、超值的產品。

The research shows that a cultural function is consubstantial with education on the purpose . the basic function of education is its cultural function 文中論述了文化與教育的關系,指出教育的基本功能是其文化功能。

Is that then the divine substance wherein father and son are consubstantial 那么,這就是圣父與圣子同體的那個神圣的實體嗎

My consubstantial father s voice 我那同體的父親的聲音。

The son is consubstantial with the father . 圣子與圣父同體。