
constructivism n.【美學】結構主義。


Thoughts on constructivism from the perspective of dialectical materialism 對建構主義的辯證唯物主義思考

On constructivism in english education 建構主義的英語教育

The new curriculum has social constructivism as its basic theory 作者指出其理論基礎為社會建構主義。

Implications of constructivism and iconicity on english vocabulary learning 象似性理論與英語詞匯學習

A decipher of constructivism by rawls 羅爾斯的建構主義解讀

Teaching experiment on marketing course based on constructivism 基于建構主義理論的市場營銷學教學嘗試

The principle of using constructivism in computer teaching 建構主義理論在大學計算機課程教學中的應用

Application of constructivism in the learning of mathematics 西方兩大派別學習理論發展過程的系統分析

Theory of constructivism and multi - media foreign language teaching 建構主義學習理論與多媒體外語教學

The scientific teaching models based on constructivism abroad 國外基于建構主義的科學教學模式面面觀

Study and design of web - based constructivism learning environment 的建構主義學習環境的研究與設計

Application of constructivism theory in clinical teaching of surgery 外科建構式臨床見習帶教的體會

Three transformations in study theories driven by constructivism 建構主義促進了學習理論的三次變革

Constructivism and its implications to college english teaching 建構主義理論對大學英語教學的啟示

The science knowledge view in the vision of social constructivism 社會建構主義視野中的科學知識觀

The effect of constructivism theory in the chemical teaching 淺談建構主義理論在化學教學中的運用

Constructivism theory and maritime english teaching reform 建構主義理論對海事英語教學改革的啟示

Dialectical constructivism and foreign language cooperative learning 辯證建構主義與外語合作學習

Social constructivism and postmodern orientation of westem psychology 的社會建構論學說及其啟示