
constructive adj.1.構成的,建設(性)的;積極的。2.【法律】推...

constructive crime

China will continue to play its constructive role in this regard 中方將繼續為此發揮建設性作用。

Second , the vision promotes constructive , critical thinking 第二,構想提供建設性的嚴格的思考。

The constructive learning theory and english situated - teaching 從建構主義學習理論看英語情境教學

We had a very constructive chat 我們進行了一次非常有建設性的談話

Canada s constructive international role 加拿大的建設性的國際角色

A constructive proof of existence theorem for rational form 利用羅爾定理進行構造性證明的嘗試

On constructive views of transfer of learning 論建構主義學習遷移觀

You find forms of escape that are practical and constructive 你發現逃脫的形式實用而有幫助。

Become worse . i do , however , accept constructive criticism 沈默是金

The talks were positive , constructive , and productive 會談是積極的、建設性的和富有成果的。

Advances in research on constructive group decision making process 群體決策中的知識構建過程

2 . werthermer ' s constructive theory 3 3 、吉爾福特的發散思維說。

He put forward a constructive suggestion 他提出了一個建設性的建議。

Intent is what separates the constructive from the abusive 意圖是區分建設性和虐待的因素。

Constructive ideas for marxist esthetics over the 21st century 21世紀馬克思主義美學的構想

It was like i did something constructive with my life 就好象我跟我老婆又來了一次造人運動

And america wants a constructive relationship with china 美國希望同中國具有建設性關系。

Study on the normative constructive conditions 規范的構成要件要素初探

That meeting was supposed to be constructive 那個會議應該很有建設性的