
constructionist n.1.(法律條文等的)解釋者。2.〔美國〕構成派書家。...


This paper , on the basis of the communicative teaching approach and constructionist learning theories , suggests that while using modem teaching technologies , we should step up classroom teaching reform , adjust teaching conceptions , innovate teaching means , improve evaluation methods , incorporate new technologies into classroom teaching so as to carry out teaching reform effectively and upgrade students ' english language competence in an all - round way , especially their spoken english 針對該問題,文章在交際教學法和建構主義學習理論的基礎上,提出在大量使用現代教育技術的同時,必須加強口語課堂教學的改革,改變教學觀念,創新教學手段,改進評估方法,使新技術和課堂教學有機結合起來,才能真正實現教學改革的目的,全面提高學生的英語綜合應用能力,尤其是說的能力。

Wilfley , d . e . ( 1999 ) . success in research article writing and editing : a social - constructionist perspective . unpublished doctoral dissertation , university of missouri , columbia 周躍良( 2004 ) 。 《認知發展與外語習得能力的關系》 。未出版博士論文,北京師范大學,北京市。

This is a constructionist approach to learning : the children are given the phonic tools to construct and sound out new words by themselves 這是學習語言的一種結構型方式:給孩子們一種能夠自己組合新詞念出新詞的語音工具。

This paper advises that the social constructionist claim is useful for the research of technological innovation that is full of complexity 指出對于技術創新這樣的復雜的過程的研究有必要借鑒社會建構論的主張。

The nice project : narrative , immersive , constructionist collaborative environments for learning in virtualreality . in proc 測試結果不能反映延遲值連續變化過程中的規律。

The borrowing of constructionist educational thoughts under the background of curriculum reform 在課程改革背景下學習借鑒西方建構主義教育思想

Constructionist learning theory amp; amp; enlightenment on the current teaching reform 建構主義學習理論及其對當前教學改革的啟示

The social constructionist perspective - a new angle to look at social problems 社會問題理論研究的一種新視角

The analysis on the hierarchies of social constructionist psychology 后現代社會建構主義心理學初探

A research into post - modern social constructionist psychology 析社會建構論心理學思想的四個層面

Constructionist learning and teaching in an it context 建構主義教學理念在網絡信息時代的新解讀