
constructionism n.【數學】構造論;【美學】構成主義,構成派。


Opening with the theoretical foundation of this teaching pattern , it proceeds to explore its essential meaning . this dialogue teaching pattern nurtures itself on the educational communication theory , constructionism learning theory and the elements of acceptance aesthetics . it proclaims that understanding and meaning can only be acquired by the subject through active dialogue - like interplay and communication with the outside and the others ( text included ) . so teaching process can not depart from dialogue between subjects , instead , dialogue should be deemed the principal teaching pattern which enables subjects to jointly create and find meanings 對話型語文教學以教育交往理論、建構主義學習理論和接受美學理論為基礎,認為任何理解和意義都是主體通過與外界與他人(包括與文本)的對話性相互作用與交流而獲得的,因此,教學作為一種意義生成活動,離不開主體間的對話與溝通,而必須以主體間的對話為主要方式,共同創造意義。

Constrution and application of cai curriculum software in biology of middle schools abstract : the thesis analyzes the necessities and feasibilities of biology cai curriculum software in middle school , studies the distinguishing features of cai in different historical stages which are directed respectively by cognitionism , behavorism and constructionism , expounds the general design rules of cai curriculum software and the design rules in biology which is directed by the constructionism 本文論述了多媒體技術應用于生物學教學的必要性和可行性,總結了在認知主義、行為主義直至建構主義理念指導下cai課件逐步發展的各個歷史階段的特點,闡述了建構主義指導下的cai課件設計模式、設計原則以及生物學科的cai課件在建構主義指導下的設計原則。

By exploring the theory of teaching model , according to the study theory of constructionism , and its characteristics of “ teaching in the situations - having preparing discussion - network interaction “ , the paper expounds the importance of group discussion in the course teaching under the ideological design guidance of “ students - centred learning autonomously “ 摘要通過對教學模式的理論探索,依據建構主義和人本主義的學習理論,對藝術欣賞課程教學模式進行了改革實踐,重點闡述了在“以學生和學生自主學習為中心”的設計思想指導下,結合課程自身特點設計的“情境教學有備討論網絡互動”的教學模式,突出了分組討論在本課程教學中的重要性。

First , the paper elaborates the essence of reading and the aims and the importance of the teaching of reading . and then it shows the necessity of “ reading on one ' s own “ , and it reveals the possibility of “ reading on one ' s own “ from the theory of constructionism . the theory of acceptism and the standard of course ( paper for experiment ) three respects separately 本文首先闡述了閱讀的本質以及閱讀教學的目的和意義,顯示了自主性閱讀的必然性,并分別從建構主義理論,接受主義理論和《課程標準》 (實驗稿)揭示自主性閱讀的可能性,進而揭示了自主性閱讀的意義,有利于獲得語感,感悟自得,審美鑒賞和培養自能讀書的能力。

In order to abolish the drawbacks existed in implementing mts , it has made a profound development in the objective of the curriculum , the curriculum contents and the content objective of the curriculum , which has been established by mts , directed by some scientific theories such as marxist theory of knowledge , study theory of constructionism , multiple intelligence theory , humanism psychology , etc 《標準》以馬克思主義認識論、建構主義學習論、多元智能理論以及人本主義心理學等科學理論為指導,以革除目前高中數學課程實施中存在的種種弊端為目標,對《大綱》所設置的課程目標、課程內容以及內容目標(即內容標準)進行了深層次、全方位的發展。

Under the guide of constructionism study theory and on the base of proper theory arrangement to the inquiry learning system , the thesis , combining the successful case explored in the practice of teaching , makes a deep thought and research to the problems , such as the characters of the deliberative teaching , basic process , and the evaluation to the students . in addition , the thesis tries hard to make some innovative research and practice in the inquiry learning and chinese teaching , e specially in the classroom teaching to realize the innovation of chinese classroom teaching 本文以建構主義學習理論為指導,結合教學實踐中探索出來的成功的范例,在對研究性學習課程體系進行梳理的基礎上,對研討式教學的特征、基本流程及對學生的評價問題進行了深入的思考與研究,力圖在研究性學習與語文教學尤其是語文課堂教學的結合點上做一點開創性的研究與實踐,實現語文課堂教學的創新與優化。

The first part : based on formed and basic concepts of exploratory experiment teaching , physics teaching goals of middle school and functions of exploratory experiments , we have defined the exploratory physical experiment of the middle school , compared exploratory physics experiment and traditional experiments , proceeded from the teaching theory and studying theory , expound the fact that the theory foundation of the exploratory physics : j . piaget “ s cognition - development theory , bruner “ s cognition - discovery theory and constructionism , combining the teaching goals of middle school experiments , gived the teaching goals of exploratory physics experiment : observation ability , thinking ability , operating ability goal and emotion attitude goal , and explained each goal concretely so that the exploratory physics experiment has an object in view 論文第一部分根據探索性實驗教學思想的形成和發展的基本觀點、中學物理實驗的教學目標以及探索性實驗的功能,對中學物理探索性實驗作了界定,并對探索性物理實驗與傳統實驗進行比較,并從教育理論和學習理論出發,論述探索性物理實驗的理論指導依據:皮亞杰的認知?發展學說、布魯納的認知?發現學說以及建構主義的學習理論,同時結合中學物理實驗的教學目標探討了探索性物理實驗的教學目標:觀察能力、思維能力、操作能力目標和情感態度目標,并且具體外化每個目標,以使探索性物理實驗有的放矢。

The theoretical foundation of inquiry learning : second , the study theory of piaget s constructionism , the center of constructionism lies in making students construct and complete their own cognition foundation on their own initiative according to inquiry learning , and achieve removement successfully , constructionism in inquiry learning , emphasizes the researching and exploring functions of the students in the procedure of knowledge s internal change , emphasizes the creation of questionable situations during study procedure , emphasizes knowledge s foundation and renewal , emphasizes t 2 、皮亞杰建構主義學習理論。建構主義的中心在子通過研究性學習,使學生自主地建構和完整自己的認知結構,順利實現遷移。建構主義在研究性學習中,重視學生在知識內化過程中探索研究的作用,重視教學過程中有關問題情景的創設,重視知識結構和更新,重視學生認識活動的個體特殊性,以及認知風格、學習態度、學習信念和學習動機等。

First at all , this thesis analyzes some teaching theories and their instructional design associating with distance network instruction , especially some characteristics and learning principles as well as teaching patterns of distance network instruction based on constructionism , which focuses on students - centered learning under teachers “ guides 本文首先分析了有關遠程網絡教學的教學理論及教學設計的要求,尤其是基于建構主義理論的遠程網絡教學的特點、學習原則及其教學模式。建構主義強調在教師指導下的、以學生為中心的學習。

Deliberative teaching in chinese , one of research subjects , is the infiltration and reflection of the concepts of inquiry learning in this subject , that is to say , teachers create an environment or a way just like scientific research : the focus is the question ; the main teaching style is group study . students gain the basic chinese attainments by means of researching individually and discussing together . essentially , deliberative teaching is the practice of constructionism study theory in chinese classroom teaching 語文研討式教學就是研究性學習的理念在學科教學中的滲透與體現,是研究型課程的一種,即在課堂教學過程中創設一種類似科學研究的情境或途徑:以問題為中心,以小組合作學習為主要的教學組織形式,通過個體探索研究與集體討論研究相結合的方式,使學生獲得基本語文素養的教學活動方式。

Based on the academic curriculum theory , the idea of students - center , dell ' s theory of experiences , and the theory of constructionism , the author , aiming at building a research - based teaching mode , probes into the procedure , the principles and some matters needing attention 摘要以學術主義課程論與人本主義課程論、戴爾的“經驗之塔”和建構主義等理論為基礎,構建高師體育專業學校體育學探究式教學模式,闡述了探究式教學模式的教學程序、原則和應該注意的問題。

The thesis covers several research aspects in distance education , such as constructionism and adaptive test theory , etc . from the perspective of web - based software development , this thesis mainly discusses the ensemble architecture design of the distance education system 本論文重點討論了基于web的遠程教學系統的設計和實現。論文涵蓋了遠程教育的多個研究領域,包括建構主義學習理論、自適應測試理論等。

Constructionism theory thinks knowledge is a special process under the bound circumstances and other partner ' s help . constructionism theory orders a high level for teaching environment , which , can not be reached by traditional teaching method 建構主義理論認為知識是學習者在一定的情境即社會文化背景下,借助他人(包括教師和學習伙伴)的幫助,通過人際間的協作活動而實現的主動建構知識意義的過程。

Based on the constructionism and the cognitive flexibility theory , an overlay student model is established by the aid of bayesian network approach . the model designed proves to be efficient and feasible to realize the adaptability and the individuation of the learning systems 本論文以建構主義思想和認知靈活性的學習理論為基礎,利用貝葉斯網絡模型,建立了覆蓋型的貝葉斯網絡學生模型。

Hence a new perspective is needed . in the second part , the theories of ssk and sst have been introduced and two important characters of the social constructionism have been generalized , the relativist epistemology and empiricist methodology 在第二部分里,本文對ssk和sst的理論做了簡單的介紹,歸納出社會建構理論的兩個重要特征:相對主義的認識論以及方法論上的經驗主義。

The dialogue instruction has a wide basis of theory . the basis consists of philosophy of intersubjectivity , the psychology of constructionism , the science of brain and ecology . for example , w 對話教學有著廣泛的理論基礎,主體間性哲學轉向是其哲學基礎,建構主義是其心理學基礎,此外還有腦科學基礎以及生態學基礎等。

As a new mode of diplomacy , it is the practice of the constructionism in the international relations , showing the characteristics of humanism 作為一種新型的外交模式,公共外交采取迂回的活動策略,在美國等西方國家對外戰略中扮演著重要的角色。

This essay will make efforts to identify the differences in terms of social work theory , practice and research among positivism and social constructionism 本論文旨在厘清實證主義與社會建構主義在社會工作理論、實踐與研究三個層面的主要分野。

In the following concepts of integration , the writer put forward theories of constructionism , communication and modern thinking science 接下來的二者整合理論依據中,本文重點探討了建構主義、傳播學以及思維科學的相關理論研究。