
constringent adj.使收縮的,收斂性的。


When we designed the system , we considered some key factors such as the system must deal with and store a great deal video and audio data , the capability of the hard disk in the server and client , hi the part of video compression , we choose the currently mpeg - 4 video constringent card to complete the collecting and compression of the video and audio signals 在論文研究與實用系統設計中,充分關注到大量視音頻數據的處理、存儲以及服務器和遠程客戶端的硬盤容量等關鍵因素,視音頻壓縮采用了最新的mpeg - 4視音頻壓縮卡進行視音頻信息的采集和壓縮。

To consider the efficiency of charge of the mh - ni battery , this method revises the ah - methods . the battery management system realized to compensates the charge efficiency through a constringent factor 考慮到高比功率鎳氫電池的充電效率,該方法將一般的安時法加以修正,通過一個變壓縮因子實現充電效率補償。

A constringent analysis of iterative chart radius of the first type iterative method 一類迭代法的迭代陣譜半徑的收斂性分析