
constringency n.收縮(性),收斂,壓縮。


Instruction detection technology is core in instruction detection system , it include abnormity instruction and abused instruction detection , on the basis of traditional network security model , ppdr model , instruction detection principle and instruction technology analysis , the author has brought forward instruction detection method based genetic neural networks , adopted genetic algometry and bp neural networks union method , and applied in instruction detection system , solve traditional bp algometry lie in absence about constringency rate slowly and immersion minim value 入侵檢測分析技術是入侵檢測系統的核心,主要分為異常入侵檢測和誤用入侵檢測。作者在對傳統網絡安全模型、 ppdr模型、入侵檢測原理以及常用入侵檢測技術進行比較分析的基礎上,提出了一個基于遺傳神經網絡的入侵檢測方法,采用遺傳算法和bp神經網絡相結合的方法?遺傳神經網絡應用于入侵檢測系統中,解決了傳統的bp算法的收斂速度慢、易陷入局部最小點的問題。

Actually , the arithmetic is greatly affecting the precision of controller and identification . we put forward an improved method for the disadvantage of local point with which the study ratio can adjust according to the error camber and enhance the rate of the constringency and the accuracy of study of the neural network 實際運行過程中,由于神經網絡控制、辨識效果受算法的影響較大,因此,本文針對前向神經網絡易陷入局部極小點的缺點,提出一種改進算法,使學習率能依據誤差曲面自適應調整,從而提高網絡的收斂速度和學習精度。

The application of ansys in the field of civil engineering is investigated , which includes the selecting element type of the concrete , reinforcing bar and the cfrp and preferences ; the application of non - linear solution options ; handling constringency of non - linear ; plane section assumption ; coupling and the element birth and death 對ansys在土木工程上的應用進行了研究,包括混凝土、鋼筋和碳纖維布單元的選取及參數的設置;鋼筋混凝土有限元分析模型的類型;非線性分析選項的應用;非線性收斂的處理;平截面假定、耦合和單元生死的應用等。

The next this text is based on the appearance theories , according to the characteristics that the temperature dispersion of super thick mass concrete planceer of high - rise building primarily is an even difference in temperature and an even constringency , suppose the level shears are line with the displacement , adopting a big physical volume concrete of planceer in flexibility foundation for plank computing model , from theoretically deducing the difference in temperature of mass concrete contracting should basic formula of dint , and analysis the crack rule and the influence factor of mass concrete temperature contract , and bringing up the theory calculation method about temperature stress of mass concrete and the biggest whole method that sprinkle the length , at the same time according to basic formula of the temperature stress of mass concrete and the concrete construction experience , bringing five technique measures to prevent the temperature crack of mass concrete 其次本文以唯象理論為基礎,根據高層建筑超厚底板大體積混凝土承受的溫差主要是均勻溫差和均勻收縮的特點,闡述了大體積混凝土溫度應力理論計算的簡化方法和最大整澆長度的計算方法,同時根據大體積混凝土溫度收縮應力基本公式和大體積混凝土結構施工經驗,提出了防止大體積混凝土溫度裂縫的五項技術措施。最后本文以廈門郵電大廈3 . 5m超厚底板施工為實例,從大體積混凝土溫度應力計算、混凝土保溫材料厚度計算、混凝土配合比的確定,鋼筋工程、模板工程、混凝土的泵送和澆筑以及大體積混凝土內部溫度的監測和后期養護等方面進行了理論應用。

Work out research of fuel cell fault diagnosis algorithm , study the whole work principle of fuel cell system , regarding neural network theory as the foundation , create the neural network fault diagnosis model of fuel cell system , and adopt the improvement bp algorithm , improve the problems of slow constringency and sinking easily into small point of no return at neural network study procedure 開展了對燃料電池故障診斷算法的研究,研究了整個燃料電池系統的工作原理,以神經網絡理論為基礎,建立了針對燃料電池的神經網絡故障診斷模型,并且采用了改進型bp算法,改善了神經網絡學習過程中收斂速度慢、容易陷入局部極小點等缺點。

The methods considering the elastoplasticity are the elastic - plastic hinge method and the pseudo load method . based on the need of non - linear analysis , researchers brought forward nonlinear calculation methods to control the iterative constringency , such as the load controlling method , the displacement controlling method , the arc length controlling method and the pseudo load method 考慮彈塑性的分析方法有:彈性-塑性鉸法和虛擬荷載法根據非線性研究分析的需要,研究人員先后提出了:荷載控制法、位移控制法、弧長控制法和做功控制法等控制迭代收斂的非線性計算方法。

( 4 ) seven kinds of spatial data clustering approaches are studied . and the technique to solve the problem of constraint - based spatial cluster analysis is explored . in addition , a new spatial clustering algorithm based on genetic algorithms is set forward and it can give attention to local constringency and the whole constringency ( 4 )系統研究了七種典型的空間數據聚類方法,積極探索基于約束條件的空間聚類問題的解決方案;將遺傳算法引入空間數據聚類領域,提出一種基于遺傳算法的空間聚類算法,該算法兼顧了局部收斂和全局收斂性能。

Starting with a representative three - part aboriginal folk song of zhuang , the film adopts structurally the contradistinctive techniques in terms of movement and stillness , scene scales , internal and external scenes , natural light and lamplight , and develops the atmosphere from serenity to vehemence , the scenes from small scale to large scale , the verve from constringency to unlashing before reaching the climax 本片以典型的壯族三聲部原始民歌為開端,結構上采取動靜對比,場面大小對比,內外景對比,自然光與燈光對比的手法,把作品的氛圍從寧靜到熱烈,場景從小到大,氣勢從收到放,逐步推向高潮。

The research analyzed the main reasons for the premature , stagnation and slow constringency of standard ant algorithm , and proposed an improved version of the ant algorithm grounded on the original algorithm , which could effectively improve the rate of the algorithm convergence , and its application in tsp has achieved very good result 摘要分析了標準蟻群算法易于出現早熟、停滯和算法收斂速度慢的主要原因,在原有算法基礎上提出了一種改進型的蟻群算法,該算法可以有效的提高收斂速度,并把該算法應用到tsp問題中,取得了很好的效果。

At last , it ' s the analysis the internal character of real estate fluctuation in china , there are such problems as lack consume demand , the simple expansion or constringency of the quantity type ; product inclination motion ; obvious of policy period type motion ; the market mechanism is not perfect ; district development pole unb 最后就我國房地產周期波動的內在特點分析,它存在消費需求缺乏、數量型的簡單擴張或收縮、產品傾斜性波動、明顯的政策周期型波動、市場機制不健全、區域發展極不平衡、獨立于世界經濟之外的封閉型波動等問題。

This paper studies nonlinear dynamic problems of tall building structures , first , constitutes linear dynamic equation and elasto - plastic dynamic equation of structure by using qr method , later , solves the dynamic equation by using spline unconditional stable algorithm , last , programs corresponding computer programs with c program language , and calculates some example and a tall building in constructing the courses and the results prove that qr method is not only simple in calculating and fast in constringency rate , but also precise , that qr method is a effective and economic new method 本文研究高層建筑結構彈塑性動力問題,先利用qr法建立了結構線性動力方程及彈塑性動力方程,然后利用樣條無條件穩定算法求解了動力方程,最后利用c語言編寫了相應的計算程序,計算了一些例題和分析了一個工程實例。 qr法在理論上及方法上不用有限元法及流動法則,避免了這些傳統方法在分析非線性問題時所帶來巨大困難的缺陷。計算結果表明,這種方法不僅計算簡便,而且精度高,收斂速度快,是一種經濟有效的新方法。

On the contrary , fuzzy system is based on an easily expressed way - “ if - then “ , which is easily accepted by people . its constringency is great , because fuzzy system is based on the knowledge of experts . however , it is a challenge on how to create and adjust the membership functions and fuzzy rules automatically 相反,模糊系統是建立在被人容易接受的‘如果一則’表達方式上,而且它是建立在專家知識的基礎之上,因此收斂快,但如何自動生成和調整隸屬度函數和模糊規則,是一個棘手的問題。

In the optimal calculation of pipe networks , using genetic algorithms to optimize , by natural number coding . then this thesis simply discuss the selection of initial genetic colony and the reasonable value of penalty function multiplier . it improve the constringency speed of genetic algorithms 在管網優化計算部分,采用遺傳算法,用自然數編碼的方式進行遺傳優化,對初始種群的優選,適合度函數中懲罰因子的取值,作了初步的探討,提高了遺傳優化的收斂速度。

Firstly , the wavelet neural network is established to compress ecg data . the result shows that the given compression algorithm has good performance of fast constringency speed and highly compression radio . the network reserve the vital information about ecg data so that it can help to diagnosing 首先,使用了基于小波神經網絡的方法用于心電數據壓縮,結果顯示其收斂速度快,效果較好,實現了一定的壓縮比;網絡保留了心電重要信息,有利于診斷。

This paper not only adopts the adaptive neuron network pid arithmetic for the purpose of distinguish system parameters , but also brings forward expert system control ruler in order to overcome the disadvantage of slow speed constringency of neuron network on the basis of neuron network pid arithmetic 本文既采用了神經網絡pid自適應算法,發揮它辨識系統參數的能力,又在其基礎上提出了專家系統控制規則,以克服神經網絡收斂慢的缺點。

The aerodynamic design of curve of nozzle adopts perfect gas cresco method to calculate non - existence glutinous model surface , the correct boundary layer of the nozzle wall side adopts sivells - payre method , and the calculation of constringency part of the nozzle adopts stock formula 其中,噴管型面氣動設計采用理想氣體的cresci方法計算無粘型面;噴管的附面層修正采用sivells - payre方法;噴管收縮段的設計采用維托辛斯基公式。

This arithmetic combined the rules of the accomplishment of the genetic algorithm and the rules of the traditional fuzzy clustering , so it can not only enhance the performance of clustering analysis , but also accelerate its constringency 它把遺傳結束的準則與傳統算法的終止準則有機地結合起來,不僅提高了算法的聚類分析性能,也提高了算法的收斂速度。

In the design process of the project , firstly the principle scheme is figured out with the theory of “ black box “ . constringency is done after the sub - functional solutions are acquired 在本機原理方案的設計過程中,首先采用“黑箱”理論對原理方案進行發散求解,在得出分功能解后再進行“收斂” 。

But this kind of constringency transform because of its inner part not even stress and all control functions exist with exterior , and make concrete produce to pull - stress and pull - strain 而這種收縮變形又由于其內部應力不均和外部約束作用的存在,使混凝土產生過大的拉應力和拉應變。