
constringe vt.壓縮,使緊縮。


The cause is that depending strength of government only to hit lawless proprietor and safeguard consumer ' s leigitimate rights and interests is limited , because the proprietor can constringe the action of self due to the government strike it strongly in the short - term , but government can not be persisted over a long period of time because of the restriction of resources such as funds etc . in another aspect , if encouraging consumer to safeguard the leigitimate rights and interests of self , the probability that proprietor ' s tort occurs could reduce generally , moreover it is lasting 本文首先從靜態的角度來分析消費者權益受到損害的原因。通過分析發現,單純地依靠政府的力量來打擊不法經營者、維護消費者合法權益的作用是有限的,短期中經營者會因為政府加大打擊力度而收斂自己的行為,但政府由于受經費等資源的限制,不可能長期堅持下去。從另一個角度,如果鼓勵消費者維護自身的合法權益,則經營者侵權行為發生的概率會降低,而且具有持久性。

It is shown in the case that super matrix is easy to constringe the selection sequence assisted by the software , which is efficient and convenient for manager to evaluate and choose the project 案例顯示,加權超級矩陣在軟件求解的基礎上可以快速收斂,得出各種方案的優先排序,從而幫助管理者簡便、有效地進行方案決策。

Because this algorithm uses the movement information of before frame , it can be implemented by parallel algorithm to improve efficiency . experimental results show the algorithm constringed fast 由于該算法利用的是前一幀的運動信息,所以該算法可以通過并行算法來實現,以便提高算法效率。

( 3 ) to make trig - cluster constringed by acquiring other orthogonal base . the third problem brought on the birth of wavelet that has gone through about a hundred years ( 3 )求得另外的正交基,使時于在三角族情形下的發散現象在此時不致發生。