
constrictor n.1.壓縮物,收縮物;壓縮器;收縮器;【火箭】收斂〔尾...


The influence of parameters such as mass flow , input power , and constrictor size on arcjet performance is also analyzed . this work provides an experimental foundation for the numerical simulation study and optimized design of arcjet . a high - speed , high - resolution , multi - line spectroscopic diagnostic system has been improved to diagnostic the excitation temperature of arcjet plume 本文優化并改進了一套高速、高精度的多譜線電弧等離子體光譜診斷系統,使其適用于電弧加熱發動機羽流激發溫度的診斷,并利用該系統診斷了發動機出口羽流的非平衡程度和溫度沿徑向的分布。

We are introduced to the narrator , a pilot , and his ideas about grown - ups once when i was six years old i saw a magnificent picture in a book , called true stories from nature , about the primeval forest . it was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal 當我還只有六歲的時候,在一本描寫原始森林的名叫真實的故事的書中,看到了一幅精彩的插畫,畫的是一條蟒蛇正在吞食一只大野獸。

“ he has been playing with the python ever since he could first crawl , “ said his mother kim kannara , who is perfectly happy to allow her son to sleep cheek - by - jowl with the giant constrictor even though it could easily have him for dinner 雖然大蟒可以毫不費近的把孩子當飯吃掉,但孩子的母親很樂意讓孩子臉貼巨蟒頭枕著它睡覺,這位母親還說: “他從剛會爬時就和開始和巨蟒玩耍。

“ he has been playing with the python ever since he could first crawl , “ said his mother kim kannara , who is perfectly happy to allow her son to sleep cheek - by - jowl with the giant constrictor even though it could easily have him for dinner 雖然大蟒可以毫不費近的把孩子當飯吃掉,但孩子的母親很樂意讓孩子臉貼巨蟒頭枕著它睡覺,這位母親還說: “他從剛會爬時就開始和巨蟒玩耍。

My drawing number two looked like this : the grown - ups response , this time , was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors , whether from the inside or the outside and devote myself instead to geography , history , arithmetic and grammar 以下就是我的第二件作品:這一次,大人們卻勸我把大蟒蛇的畫擱到一旁去,專心一致的學習地理、歷史、數學和文法等學問。

Here is a copy of the drawing . in the book it said : “ boa constrictors swallow their prey whole , without chewing it . after that they are not able to move , and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion . 這本書中寫道: “這些蟒蛇把它們的獵獲物不加咀嚼地囫圇吞下,爾后就不能再動彈了,它們就在長長的六個月的睡眠中消化這些食物。 ”

The grown - ups response , this time , was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors , whether from the inside or the outside , and devote myself instead to geography , history , arithmetic and grammar 大人們勸我把這些畫著開著肚皮的,或閉上肚皮的蟒蛇的圖畫放在一邊,還是把興趣放在地理歷史算術語法上。

It is hard to take up drawing again at my age , when i have never made any pictures except those of the boa constrictor from the outside and the boa constrictor from the inside , since i was six 象我這樣年紀的人,而且除了六歲時畫過閉著肚皮的和開著肚皮的巨蟒外,別的什么也沒有嘗試過,現在,重新再來畫畫,真費勁啊!

The grown - ups ' response , this time , was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors , whether from the inside or the outside , and devote myself instead to geography , history , arithmetic and grammar 那些大人們勸我放下那些看得見內部或看不見內部的蟒蛇的畫,而把興趣轉到地理、歷史、算術和文法上面。

The grown - ups response , this time , was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors , whether from the inside or the outside , and devote myself instead to geography , history , arithmetic and grammar 這次,大人們讓我停止去畫那大蟒蛇的外邊或是肚子里邊,而是轉為把精力投向地理,歷史,算術和語法。

But since the grown - ups were not able to understand it , i made another drawing : i drew the inside of the boa constrictor , so that the grown - ups could see it clearly 于是我又把巨蟒肚子里的情況畫了出來,以便讓大人們能夠看懂。這些大人總是需要解釋。

The superior pharyngeal constrictor assists in gaining velopharyngeal closure , while peristaltic movement of food is facilitated by the middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictors 咽縮上肌輔助顎咽的閉鎖,而咽上縮肌和咽縮中肌使食物蠕動較容易。

But i had never drawn a sheep . so i drew for him one of the two pictures i had drawn so often . it was that of the boa constrictor from the outside 因為我從來沒有畫過羊,我就給他重畫我所僅僅會畫的兩幅畫中的那幅閉著肚皮的巨蟒。

The tumour after rectum has scar history , anal constrictor is injured , companion has have a bowel movement incontinent with scar stricture 直腸后腫瘤有創傷史,肛門括約肌損傷,伴有大便失禁和瘢痕狹窄。

While visiting in celebration of dudley ' s eleventh birthday , harry discovered here that he could talk to the boa constrictor 為了慶祝達利的十一歲生日一家人在那里參觀時,哈利發現自己可以與大蟒蛇對話。

While visiting in celebration of dudley ' s eleventh birthday , harry discovered here that he could talk to the boa constrictor 當為了慶祝達利的十一歲生日而在那里參觀時,哈利發現它可以與大蟒蛇說話。

Anacondas are nonvenomous constrictors , coiling their muscular bodies around captured prey and squeezing until the animal asphyxiates 它們沒有毒,捕獵時用發達的身軀纏繞住獵物一直勒到窒息。

The boa constrictor , when he has had an adequate meal , goes to sleep , and does not wake until he needs another meal 巨蟒飽食一餐后就去睡覺,直到需要再進食時它才醒來。

The cricopharyngeal muscle , a component of the inferior constrictor , forms the muscular orifices of the esophagus 環狀咽肌是肌下縮肌中的一個組織,形成食道的肌肉。