
constriction n.1.壓縮,收縮;狹窄,縮窄。2.(胸部等的)壓迫感,...


Firstly , the thesis structures systematical base model of the stimulation mechanism and constriction mechanism of ehc ; then we research the function process of the two mechanisms , build stimulation ' s systematical base model and constriction ' s systematical base model , and analyzes all lands of stimulation factors and constriction factors . in the end we research the compatible process of the two mechanisms 本文,首先,構建企業人力資本激勵與約束的系統基模;然后,分別研究企業人力資本激勵機制與約束機制獨立作用的過程,建立“激勵基模”和“約束基模” ,分析各種“激勵因素”和“約束因素” ;最后,研究企業人力資本的激勵機制與約束機制相互作用的耦合過程。

The productions include : 1 . the investigation of crackss of masonry structures , the characteristic and the reason on cracks of wall ; 2 . the limited element analysis about datum of brick - wall the relation between the maximal stress in wall and the relative sedimentation of foundations , the relation between the cracks form in wall and inner stress , the validity of limited element mode ; 3 . the limited element analysis about the relative sedimentation of foundations , the influence of ratio of length and height , foundations rigidity , groundsill rigidity on the inner stress in wall ; 4 . the limited element analysis about the influence of temperature on wall cracks and the influence of space between extension cracks , difference in temperature on the inner stress in wall ; 5 . the analysis about the cracks rule because of temperature , the contrast between the result and the simulant result ; 6 . the study about the influence of cracks of masonry structures because of constriction stress , the experience of dealing with constriction cracks in the domestic and the foreign ; 7 . the advice of avoiding cracks because of the asymmetric sedimentation temperature , constringency in design and construction 本研究結合實際工程中的砌塊建筑普遍存在的裂縫問題,參照磚墻裂縫調查研究的成果,針對我省的砌塊應用狀況,進行了充分的調研,并查閱大量的文獻資料,總結了砌塊建筑墻體裂縫的特點和規律,通過對溫度裂縫、沉降裂縫的有限元分析和經驗公式的對比,深入的探討了墻體開裂的影響因素,結合各地實際工程經驗,在對混凝土砌塊墻體在材料、設計、施工等方面進行系統的理論分析、綜合研究的基礎上,給出開裂的防治方法,促進混凝土砌塊在我省的推廣應用,為相關規范的編制提供理論依據和經驗分析,主要研究成果有: 1砌塊砌體開裂的調查研究,墻體開裂的特點和原因總結; 2有限元分析磚墻實測數據,揭示了墻體內最大主應力和地基相對沉降量的關系及墻體開裂形態與內部應力的聯系,并且驗證了有限元模型的有效性; 3

In one of them , the information disseminator cognizes the communication and guides the information recipient in his self - constriction of a cognitive structure . in the other of them , the information disseminator and recipient carry on an emotional interaction between them 思想政治教育傳播活動大致可以分為兩個方面:一是傳播者認知信息的傳播與引導受傳者自主建構認知結構;二是傳播者與受傳者之間的情感互動。

Abstract : in this paper , we present a fuzzy approach fo r the unclear boundary constrained multiobjective optimization function in ac ma g netic according dynamic targets . using membership function and a certain membersh ip value to fuzzificate and defuzzificate the constriction 文摘:對交流電磁鐵動態優化設計過程中的非明確約束條件范圍做了一定的探討,闡述了應用隸屬函數和模糊截集的概念建立明確約束條件的思想。

The constriction performance of vacuum electric arc at high current levels depends on the contact material and its operational principle . axial magnetic field ( amf ) contacts can prevent the vacuum electric arc from shrinking in the vacuum interrupters 在大電流水平下真空電弧的收縮特性取決于觸頭的材料和工作原理,在真空滅弧室中縱向磁場( amf )觸頭能夠阻止真空電弧收縮。

Therefore , the task confronting the constriction industry is as the following : one is to reform the management system . the other is to organize construction project with the scientific theory and method . and the two should be united 因此,擺在建筑業面前的任務,一是進行管理體制改革,二是按科學的理論和方法組織項目建設,且應當將兩者結合起來,互為條件,走出誤區。

As a major part of the party ' s national theories , the thought of intellectual civilization construction in national areas is progressing as the process of socialistic revolution , constriction and the evolution of national development concept 摘要民族地區精神文明建設思想作為黨的民族理論的重要組成部分,是隨著社會主義革命和建設進程以及民族發展觀的演進而逐步發展起來的。

We should reform our scientific and technological system , adjust the government role , enhance the constriction on states security , manpower resources and the intellectual property right , and so on 同時,要從科研體制改革與創新,調整政府的作用,科學研究和產業發展,實施積極的人才戰略,重視和加強國家安全和知識產權的建設等方面積極探討應對新趨勢挑戰的戰略與對策。

The first and second longest chromosomes are important in karyotype analysis and most of which are metacentric chromosome and submetacentric chromosome in lilium . hybrids were distinguishable by the existence and position of secondary constriction and arm ratio 百合的第一對和第二對染色體多為中著絲粒和近中著絲粒染色體,可以根據次縊痕有無與位置及臂比鑒定雜種。

Measures were faken to decrease settlement and problems on constriction due to temperature change by means of improving overall structure layout and constructional details so that no deformation cracks can be achieved in practice 主樓與裙房之間,可以通過總體結構布置和構造上采取措施來減少沉降、溫度收縮和體形復雜引起的問題,達到不設變形縫的目的。

Male patients will have thick copious purulent milk - like urethral discharge . without effective treatment , the infection may gradually spread to the reproductive organs and cause constriction of the urethra , making urination difficult 小便頻密、刺痛;尿道口排出混濁的白色膿液;若不加醫治,病菌會蔓延到整個男性生殖器官,做成尿道狹窄,小便困難。

This article relates in detail the place literature digitization significance , propose place literature digitization should pay attention some questions , and puts forward some proposals on the place literature database constriction 本文詳述了地方文獻數字化的意義,提出地方文獻數字化應注意的一些問題,并就地方文獻數據庫建設提出了一些建議。

“ but if they become chilled , this causes a pronounced constriction of the blood vessels in the nose and shuts off the warm blood that supplies the white cells that fight infection 但如果一個人已經明顯感到寒意的話,那么其鼻子內的血管會發生明顯的收縮,此舉可阻斷那些攜帶有白血球的溫暖血液的前進道路,而白血球正好可以消滅那些感冒病毒。

Pathological changes in the airways include chronic inflammation of the wall of the airways , broncho - constriction , and also hypertrophy of mucous glands . as a result , patients may suffer from chronic productive cough 由于氣管的病變,例如支氣管壁腫脹及氣管壁平滑肌收縮,加上黏液腺肥大以致分泌增加,患者會經常咳嗽及多痰。

It has been very exciting for us to see the different threads of knowledge about the cellular and molecular mechanisms of constriction , dilation and shock come together through a chance observation 對我們而言,能夠透過一次偶然的發現,將有關收縮、舒張和休克的細胞與分子機制等不同脈絡的知識結合在一起,是件非常令人興奮的事。

Through citing the successful case of yangshan port , growing status quo and intending trends are introduced , which could be drawn lessons and instructions for constriction and development by homologous ports 摘要文中以洋山港成功的案例,介紹了洋山港的成長現狀和未來的發展趨勢,對類似港口的建設和發展有一定的借鑒和指導作用。

We report here a male patient with pulmonary emphysema and lung bullous disease who developed severe constriction of the main bronchi after intravenous adenosine during general anesthesia 我們描述一男性肺氣腫病人,在麻醉中因突發性心室上心搏過速而使用腺甘酸治療,卻引起了嚴重的支氣管痙攣。

So it ascertain a standard for criminal legislation and criminal judicature ; and it definitude for many system ' s construction of criminal law a base line of expansion and constriction 因而,它為刑事立法與刑事司法劃定了畛域值,為刑法學內部諸多制度的建構明確了擴張與收縮的底線。

Asthma a chronic respiratory disease , often arising from allergies , that is characterized by sudden recurring attacks of labored breathing , chest constriction , and coughing 氣喘病,一種長期的呼吸系統疾病,通常由過敏癥引起,特征是呼吸劇烈,胸部收縮,及咳嗽等的突然復發。