
constrict vt.1.壓縮,使收縮。2.妨害,阻礙。短語和例子a c...


From that glass door the pale - faced man went to the count s bedroom and raised with a constricted hand the curtain of a window overlooking the court - yard 那個臉色蒼白的人從那道玻璃門走到伯爵的臥室里,用一只痙攣的手拉開朝向院子的那個窗口的窗簾。

The mechanism of the cerebral vasospasm may be related to endothelin , endothelin - derived constricting factor , endothelin - derived relaxating factor and nitric oxide 其發生機制可能與內皮素、內皮衍生收縮因子、內皮衍生舒張因子和一氧化氮等因子有關。

Increased levels of circulating caffeine may block adenosine ' s action , causing blood vessels to constrict , subsequently triggering a heart attack , says el - sohemy 血液中咖啡因水平的增加會阻礙腺苷的作用,導致血管收縮,最終則可能導致心臟病發作。

This paper focuses on phonetic variants of vowels in salar language , including devoicing vowels , long vowels , constricted vowels and concomited sounds 本文主要根據音位理論討論撒拉語元音的清化、長元音、緊喉元音及其伴隨音等音位變體和增生的過渡音。

Manufacturing processes forming under combination of tensile and compressive conditions - part 2 : drawing through constricted tool orifices ; classification , subdivision , terms and definitions 拉壓成形加工工藝.第2部分:通過收縮的工具孔的拉制

A constricted throat in the air passage of a carburetor , causing a reduction in pressure that results in fuel vapor being drawn out of the carburetor bowl 文丘里管汽化器空氣通道中的一段喉管,導致壓力減小從而把燃料的蒸氣抽出汽化器的碗狀部分

The parasympathetic relaxes the plexuses while the sympathetic squeezes the energy by constricting them . one fills in the vitality and the other consumes it 副交感神經系統令神經叢得以舒緩,而交感神經系統則是去擠壓它,使之釋放出更多的能量。

Overrunning clutch is a weak link in transmission chain of pulse - type stepless transmission and constricts directly the ability of transferring capacity 超越離合器是脈動無級變速器傳動鏈中的最薄弱環節,直接制約了脈動無級變速器的傳動能力。

And then a spasm constricted her mouth for an instant : as it passed away she turned and left the room , and so did i . neither of us had dropt a tear 接著她的嘴抽搐了一下,過后,她轉身離開了房間,我也走了。我們兩人都沒有流一滴眼淚。

It would in fact mean helping the enemy , holding back , isolating and constricting the revolution , and bringing it to a low ebb and even to defeat 這樣,就是在實際上幫助了敵人,而使革命停滯、孤立、縮孝降落,甚至走到失敗的道路上去。

Their compact dimensions make them particularly suitable for service in extremely constricted structures where prestress and compression forces are to be measured 他們緊湊的尺寸使他們特別適合于測量非常狹窄的結構里的壓力和預應力。

Their compact dimensions make them particularly suitable for service in extremely constricted structures where tension and compression forces are to be measured 他們緊湊小巧的外形特別適用于非常狹窄結構里的拉力和壓縮力測量。

The main building is constricted in a rectangular shape , with the longer side oriented north and south and the shorter side oriented east and west 本商廈南面為商業步行街,東臨運河,北面為居民區,西北東三面均有通道。

Angina - constricting chest pain . it usually occurs under physical exertion e . g . while doing exercise , brisk walking or under emotional stress 心絞痛:通常在心臟負荷加重時才出現;如運動、情緒受壓抑和快速行走等。

The children of whom you were bereaved will yet say in your ears , this place is too constricted for me ; make room for me that i may dwell here 20你喪失的兒女還要在你耳中說,這地方對我太窄,求你給我豫備地方居住。

But there exits some problems due to the constricts of these theories and the complex phenomenon of irony 但是,現有的運用單一理論對反語解釋的研究方法,由于理論本身的局限性和反語現象的復雜性,存在著一定的問題。

Blood that is poor in nitric oxide will scavenge the gas from other tissues , causing the vessels in those tissues to constrict 一氧化氮含量低的血液將會把其他組織中的氣體一掃而空,從而導致這些組織中的血管收縮。

Angina - constricting chest pain . it usually occurs under physical exertion e . g . while doing exercise , brisk walking or under emotional stress 心絞痛:通常在心臟負荷加重時才出現如運動情緒受壓抑和快速行走等。

Melatonin production is inversely proportional to that of serotonin , a chemical that constricts the blood vessels and acts as a neurotransmitter 褪黑激素是由負責神經傳輸功能的血清張力素serotonin轉化而來。