
constraint n.1.強迫,拘束。2.約束,壓抑,拘泥。3.強制力。4...


How to : disable foreign key constraints for replication 如何:對復制禁用外鍵約束

If a constraint is unnecessary , change it 如果某個限制是不必要的,請修改它。

Setting precedence constraints on tasks and containers >對任務和容器設置優先約束

Constraint with other constraints , it must be specified last 約束必須最后指定:

You can define many check constraints for a table 可以為表定義多個check約束。

Here is an ocl constraint to illustrate this point 以下是說明這一點的ocl約束:

Constraint was enabled without checking existing rows 啟用約束時未檢查現有行。

No primary key constraints are created locally 本地不創建任何primary key約束。

The column has a value that violates the constraint 該列包含一個違反約束的值。

To disable a foreign key constraint for replication 在復制時禁用foreign key約束

Linguistic constraints on morphological productivity 影響構詞能力的語言因素探究

Constraints on type parameters c programming guide 類型參數的約束( c #編程指南)

How to : add an expression to a precedence constraint 如何將表達式添加到優先約束

Plans embody attempts by planners to alter the shape of the future, in line with the economic possibilities and constraints contained in economic models . 計劃體現著計劃者按照經濟的可能性和經濟模型中的制約因素改變將來面貌的意圖。

Economists have stated a general rule concerning marginal utility for an individual faced with a given budget constraint and given price . 經濟學家對一個面臨有限收入和一定價格的個人的邊際效用,總結了一條一般的法則。

The constraint of the situation was a little relaxed and annixter, with directness glanced sharply at the young woman . 緊張的局面松馳了一些,安尼克斯特就直截了當的朝這年輕的姑娘銳利的望了一眼。

Now in the great open quiet of the hills they felt a constraint and fear even through their fatigue . 現在到了這一大片無遮無掩,鴉雀無聲的山地上,他們疲憊之中卻總不免有一種提心吊膽之感。

The main constraints are neither technological nor financial, but rather political, social, and organizational . 其主要障礙既不是技術,亦不是資金,而是政治、社會和組織方面的問題。

The store of nutrients in the soil which is available to plants is an important constraint upon plant productivity . 土壤中植物有效養分的儲存對于植物生長量是一個重要的制約因素。