
constrain vt.1.強迫,強制 (to)。2.束縛,約束;使緊張,...


Our research has been constrained by lack of cash 我們的研究工作因缺少現金而受到限制。

Dynamic affinity is tightly constrained by cpu licensing 動態關聯受cpu許可的嚴格約束。

A fast routing algorithm for delay - constrained low - cost multicast 約束的多播多路徑算販

The constraining interface can also be generic 約束接口也可以是泛型的。

D . specifying facets to constrain a typed xml column D .指定用于約束類型化的xml列的方面

Cold weather constrains the plant ' s growth 寒冷的天氣抑制了植物的生長。

Constrained least square method applied in fir filter design 濾波器的約束最小二乘設計

Cold weather constrained the plant ' s growth 寒冷的天氣抑制了植物的生長。

Call a virtual method on a type constrained to be type 的類型調用虛方法。

Our research has been constrained by lack of cash 我們的研究由于經費不足而受到拘束。

On multi - constrained paths in networks 網絡圖中多約束條件下的路徑選擇問題

My conscience constrained me to apologize to him 我的良心迫使我向他賠罪。

The conception of resource constrained scheduling problems 1 rj 型受資源約束排序問題

Facets constrain the acceptable values of simple types 方面約束簡單類型可接受的值。

Precomputation for multi - constrained qos routing in gmpls networks 路由的預計算方法

Start using xml schema to constrain xml documents 請開始使用xml模式來約束xml文檔。

Constrains the format of user input in a form 約束窗體中的用戶輸入的格式。

A multicast routing algorithm based on delay and bandwidth constrains 組播路由算法

Don ' t constrain yourself only to class study 不要把自己的學習只局限于課堂。