
constitutive adj.1.構成的,組織的;要素的,本質的。2.有制定權...


Viscoplastic constitutive equation 粘塑性本構方程

Study on frozen soil creep constitutive of theory accounting for damage 考慮損傷效應的凍粘土蠕變本構理論研究

The constitutive equations for mixed hardening orthotropic material 正交各向異性材料的混合硬化彈塑性本構方程

Statistical constitutive model of sandstone subjected to hydrochloric acid attack 受酸腐蝕砂巖的統計本構模型

Study on bionics algorithm for geo - material constitutive model identification 巖土本構模型識別的仿生算法研究

Damage constitutive relationship of coupled plasticity - creep for magnesium alloy 蠕變交互作用的損傷本構模型

Constitutive model is very important for parameter back analysis 介質模型是巖體參數反分析的一個重要方面。

Special constitutive elements of crime 犯罪構成要件

A thermodynamics framework for constitutive models for shape memory alloys 形狀記憶合金本構模型的熱力學框架

Part three : the analysis of constitutive requirements about prospectus 第三部分,表見代理構成要件分析。

Finite element analyses of steel members based on damage constitutive relations 鋼構件考慮損傷的有限元分析

Analysis on the constitutive elements of the offence of infringing trade secret 侵犯商業秘密罪構成要件論析

A fitting constitutive model can make it easily to ascertain parameter 合適的模型可使參數確定變得容易。

Research on the objective constitutive elements of crime of medical incident 醫療事故罪客觀方面要件研究

Study of several basic problems in constitutive theory of geomaterials 巖土本構理論的幾個基本問題研究

Constitutive relationship and applications of shape - memory alloys 一種形狀記憶合金的本構模型及其應用

Constitutive models of rubber materials 橡膠材料的本構模型

Particularity and unity of the constitutive relations for rock and soil 巖土本構關系的特殊性和統一性

Triaxial constitutive model of concrete using neural networks 三軸加載條件下混凝土的神經網絡本構模型