
constitutionally adv.1.本質地;體質上。2.憲法上,按照憲法。


But the patient because of constitutionally distinctive , produced drug allergy feeling to die ( the person that be like some case disease has uterine flesh tumor , lumbar hemp applies in the operation , shock of sensibility of patient happening drug allergy is sudden ) , should consider vest in accident to this kind of death like that 但是病人由于體質上的特異,發生了藥物過敏感死亡(如某一案例病者患子宮肌瘤,手術中施行腰麻,病人發生藥物過敏感性休克忽然) ,然對于這類死亡應考慮歸屬于意外事件。

The court also emphasized in reno that - - despite the reality that both adults and minors may have access to certain forums for speech ( such as chatrooms ) - - the government cannot constitutionally require that speech meant for an adult audience be watered down to that which is fit for children 該法院也在里諾一案中強調,盡管成年人和未成年人有權進入論壇發表言論這是不爭的事實(如聊天室) ,政府本質上也不能要求把那些適合成人的言論摻水以后以適合未成年人。

The form value of tax constitutionality is the principle and criteria with which the tax law should comply depending on the tax law itself constitutionally . it aims to build the legal framework and operating mechanism , which can incarnate and ensure the entity worth of tax constitutionality 稅收法治的形式價值是從稅收法律本身來確定的法治下的稅收法律應遵循的原則和標準,其目標在于構建體現和保障稅收法治論綱稅收法治實體價值的法律框架及其運行機制。

The aerodynamics characteristic of spinning projectile with lateral jets has constitutionally difference in formation from that without jet , and it waves periodically . these characteristics are very important for the study of aerodynamics of projectile with lateral jets 與光彈體相比,旋轉側噴彈丸的空氣動力特性不僅在形成機理上發生了本質變化,而且在數值上表現出復雜的波動形式,這些特點將對旋轉側噴彈丸空氣動力研究帶來直接和深遠的影響。

The security of tenure for judges is constitutionally protected . judges may only be removed for inability to discharge his or her duties , or for misbehaviour on the recommendation of an independent tribunal comprising of judges article 89 法官任期受到憲法保障,只有在法官未能履行職責或行為不當的情況下,才會按照由法官組成的獨立審裁小組的建議把法官撤職(見第89條) 。

On some occasions , she or some of her friends have suggested that the standing committee should undertake not to exercise this power again in future . i have to say the constitutional powers as enacted are to be exercised constitutionally 但時至今日,香港依然是屹立不倒,依然是一個很成功的社會和經濟體系,為什么呢?因為香港人爭氣,我們能夠處變不驚。

The interaction friction coefficient between reinforcement and soil is affected constitutionally by the roughness of reinforcement and soil ’ s dilatancy , estimate formula about the coefficient that considered these factors was proposed 影響筋帶拉拔摩擦系數的本質因素是筋材的粗糙度和土的剪脹性,提出了能反映這些因素的筋帶拉拔摩擦系數估值公式。

With the development of embedded system , embedded system is given more energy ceaselessly . therefore the performance , the function and the design mode of embedded system have changed constitutionally 同時,嵌入式操作系統的不斷完善,賦予了嵌入式系統更新的生命力,使得嵌入式系統的性能、功能和設計方式都產生了質的變化。

Putin is constitutionally barred from running for president again , but his hand picked successor , dmitry medvedev , has a wide lead in the polls ahead of the march 2nd election 俄羅斯憲法禁止普京再次競選總統,但是他親手選定的接班人德米特里.梅德韋捷夫在3月2號大選之前的民意測驗中大幅領先。

“ the act of union of 1801 “ : in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland , wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain 1801合并法: 1801年英國議會通過法令,規定英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾士根據憲法合并成為大不列顛王國。

“ the act of union of 1801 “ : in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland , wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain 1801合并法: 1801年英國議會通過法令,規定英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾士根據憲法合并成為大不列顛王國。

This means that the human organism is capable of applying its constitutionally given equipment to a very wide and , in addition , constantly variable and varying range of activities 這也說明人類機體可以透過他的先天配備應用在非常廣大、持續和多樣的行為?圍。

If he succeeds , he may then ask the next parliament to let him remain army chief , an office he is constitutionally obliged to quit at the end of this year 如果他成功的話,還會繼續要求下一屆議會保留他陸軍參謀長的職位,按憲法他應該在今年年底辭職。

The tigers are at this point a weak offensive team and constitutionally undisciplined ( or aggressive , if you prefer ) ? just the sort of team wang can eat alive 而老虎目前的打擊能力不振,未能精確選球(也可說攻擊欲旺盛) ,是一支能被王建民生吃的隊伍。

Secondly , innovate new systems , integrate rule constitutionally and morally and pursue value materialization and strengthen the system construction 其次,在制度層面上,通過制度創新,把法治與德治緊密結合追求的共同價值物質化,加強制度建設。

The supreme court is expected to hear arguments in harris ' case on whether individuals are constitutionally protected against this technique 預計最高法院將聽取哈利斯案子雙方關于憲法是否保護私人不受這種精確截車技術侵犯的辯論。

And the power of charisma should not be underrated , especially in the context of the american presidency which is , constitutionally , quite a weak office 領袖的氣質也不能低估,尤其是針對總統,這一希有的職位背景下。

He says it is constitutionally all but impossible for him to accept the request ? and apparently feels pushed into a corner 他表示,對他來說,接受這一要求本質上幾乎是不可能的? ?并且顯然認為自己是被逼入困境。

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice - president of the united states 但依憲法無資格擔任總統的人,也無資格擔任合眾國副總統。