
constitutionality n.立憲(性),合法性。


The inherent advantages of judicial review decide the inevitable choice and the system for the review of constitutionality demands judicial review of abstract administrative acts more urgently 司法審查本身所固有的優勢決定了這一必然選擇,違憲審查制度更加迫切要求對抽象行政行為的司法審查。

On one hand , fine tradition of constitutionality has brought south africa a competition law system . the first competition law in the history of south africa was formulated in 1955 一方面,良好的法治傳統使得南非很早就有了競爭法制度,早在1955年,該國即完成了其歷史上第一部競爭法的制定。

So , on the basis of the exposition of the content and characteristics of the judicial review system of constitutionality in force , this part emphatically analyses its striking problems 因此,這部分在論述我國現行違憲審查機制的內容和特點的基礎上,著重剖析了其中存在的突出問題。

As the expanding of the situation and the change of the circumstance , these contradictions and problems will be increasingly protruding , and maybe do harm to the building of constitutionality 這些矛盾和問題隨著形勢的發展和環境的改變將會日益凸現,并可能危害法治建設大業。

Only under these two kinds of modes with regular courts and special agencies , can we examine the review of constitutionality through the process of justice and quasi - judicial 只有在專門機關違憲審查與普通法院違憲審查這兩種模式下,違憲審查才是通過司法或準司法程序進行的。

It has full jurisdiction to determine any matter of law or fact , whether civil or criminal and this extends to questions regarding the constitutionality of any law 高等法院對任何法律案件無論是民事糾紛或是犯罪案件以及任何法律的合法性問題都有完全的裁判權。

Secondly , the practicing of judicial review system of constitutionality influences the enforcement of the constitution and the direction of constitutionalism directly 其次,違憲審查制度的運行直接影響著一個國家憲法的實施狀況和憲政生活的走向。

The article vests the principle of tax legality , honesty and faith , equity and efficiency to the category of the form value of tax constitutionality 本文把稅收法定主義原則、誠實守信原則和公平效率原則歸屬于稅收法治的形式價值范疇。

President mc aleese referred the bill to the supreme court for a ruling as to its constitutionality as she is empowered to do under article 26 of the constitution 按照憲法第26條款授予的權利,總統麥卡利斯將議案提交最高法院審理。

It makes a study from the view of ' constitutionality and practical operation in a hope of providing a maneuverable principl 從法治的視角和實踐運用的角度進行了研究,以期為稅收法治實踐特別是制定稅收法律提供可操作性的原則和標準。

The courts also exercise judicial review over federal statutes and agency actions , and determine the constitutionality of federal and state laws 法院也可以對聯邦法令和機構行為行使司法審查并且對聯邦和州法律的合憲性做出判斷。

Finally , the dissertation declares that constitutionality is a long - term , formidable and progressive processs , but that it is the ultimoate aim of china 提出法治是一個長期的艱巨的漸序過程,法治是中國的終極目標。

This thesis tries to discuss and research criminal rules and the penalty power from this review of constitutionality and due process of law 本文從罪刑法定和正當法律程序兩個方面著手探討了憲法對刑法的規制。

The courts have so far upheld the constitutionality of this arrangement but legal proceedings are continuing 到目前為止,法庭仍維持原判,裁定這項安排符合憲法,不過有關的法律訴訟仍繼續進行。

Thereof , it preliminarily designs and establishes the theory framework and theoretical basis of taxation constitutionality 由此,初步設計和確立了稅收法治的理論框架和理論基礎。

Chapter 4 , dwells on the token , the value trend , and the significance of the constitutionality in china 第四章分析法治在我國的標志,法治的價值趨向以及法治意義之所在。

The constitutionality of the prohibition against a second presidential term also has been challenged in the courts 禁止的合憲性反對第二總統任期并且被質詢了在法院。

During the course f developing constitutionality in china , we must make the legislation more scientific 摘要建設法治國家,實現法治文明,必須首先實現立法的科學化。

Sun zhigang case causes concern and discuss of the review of constitutionality among all circles again “孫志剛案件”再次引發各界對我國違憲審查的討論和關注。