
constitutional adj.1.生來的,固有的;體質上的。2.憲法(上規定)...


Discussed constitutional development matters march 28 , 2005 討論政制發展工作

New constitutionalism and constitutional administration 新憲政論與行政憲政化

An study on zou taofen ' s idea of constitutional democracy 鄒韜奮憲政思想初探

Section 3 . the launching of the constitutional state 第3節走上立憲國家的道路

First seminar on constitutional development on monday 首場政制發展研討會星期一舉行

Political civilizations and constitutional civilization 政治文明與憲政文明關系論綱

The study on some aspects of the rule of constitutional law 關于憲政若干問題的研究

Thesis on constitutional law applied in courts in china 憲法司法化在我國的適用問題

Social structure analysis of french constitutional way 法國憲政之路的社會結構分析

The constitutional guarantee of individual property rights 論公民財產權的憲法保障

On the constitutional review of the criminal law 罪刑法定視野中的刑法合憲審查

On the middle parties ' constitutional motions in 1939年中間黨派的憲政提案評述

A constitutional analysis of the concept of property right 財產權概念的憲法學解釋

Promoting the basic law and constitutional development 推廣基本法和政制發展

Constitutional analysis of ruling the country according to law 依法治國的憲政分析

On the essence , value and enforcement of the constitutional rights 價值論與實踐論

Revenue production , transaction costs and constitutional regime 交易費用與憲政體制

A general survey of european constitutional judiciary 歐洲國家憲法法官制度初論

Tab 4 : constitutional and legislative responsibilities 第四章:憲法責任和法律責任