
constitution n.1.構成,構造,結構;組織;成分。2.體格,體質,素...


Under the original constitution the electors did not vote separately for president and vice-president . 照憲法原文規定,總統選舉人并不分開選舉總統和副總統。

Recently women worked to get an amendment to the u.s. constitution guaranteeing their rights . 最近,美國婦女正在爭取美國憲法通過保證婦女權利的修正案。

It was evident that kennedy was suffering; fever was getting the better of his vigorous constitution . 肯尼迪看樣子很難受,熱病在折磨著他強壯的身體。

Many of the president's legislative functions and activities are not mentioned in the constitution . 總統有許多立法職能和活動是憲法中并未提到的。

Indiana state laws deliberately subverted the intent of the constitutions 14th amendment . 印第安納州的法律有意歪曲聯邦憲法第十四條修正案的愿意。

I'm only trying to prove that we aren't tampering with the constitution when we try to change it . 我只是想證明:我們修改憲法,不等于是篡改。

The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution . 個人可向上級法院提出上訴,這是憲法所賦予的權利。

The framers of the american constitution did not include a bill of rights in that document . 美國憲法的草創人沒有在憲法中擬訂一份權利法案。

The judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the constitution . 司法制度是對我們在憲法下取得自由和財產的保障。

I consider that, in view of the constitution and the laws, the union is unbroken . 從憲法與法律上看,我認為這一聯合是不可分裂的。

The internal constitution of the earth has been a primary objective of seismologists . 地震學家的主要目標是研究地球的內部構造。

Americans generally wanted their rights specially set forth in the constitution . 美國人民普遍希望憲法中明文規定他們的權利。

The constitution has itself pointed out, ordained, and established that authority . 憲法本身即指定,制訂與制立那一權威。

The people of the united states have declared that this constitution shall be supreme . 美國人民曾宣布憲法是最高的法律。

He viewed sense experience as conditioned by the constitution of the human mind . 他認為感覺經驗受到人腦構造的限制。

The supreme court is the only court specifically created by the constitution . 最高法院是憲法特別設立的唯一法院。

The constitution of india of 1950 created india a federal republic . 1950年的印度憲法規定,印度是聯邦共和國。

She is busy getting up the american constitution for tomorrow 's exam . 她忙著溫習美國憲法,準備明天的考試。

The nation 's constitution provided a model that other countries followed . 該國的憲法提供了他國效法的模式。