
constitute vt.1.構成,組成,成為…的本質。2.制定,設立。3....


In a properly constituted system of society such men as these would be regarded as a danger to the community . 在一個制度健全的社會里,這類人應該被看作是社會的危害。

In a time when literacy was still uncommon, the army constituted itself a school for all its members . 在那個識字還不普遍的時代,這支軍隊把自己辦成了全體官兵的學校。

At their best they constitute links between the citizen and a large and sometimes impersonal government . 往好里說,它們是市民與龐大的有時不具人格的政府之間的聯系。

Teaching and learning constitute a field of study as vast and as complex as any other . 教學體制本身構成了一整套按其廣度和復雜性來說決不亞于其他學科的研究領域。

A group of leading banks constituted a milliard-dollar pool to maintain and stabilize the market . 一些重要的銀行籌出了十億美元的資金,以求維持和穩定市場。

The non-utilitarian arguments constitute moral axioms, like any ultimate ethical norms . 非功利主義的論點,像任何最終的倫理準則一樣,成了道德上的原則。

Maine's most famous yield, potato, constitutes about 12 percent of the nation's crop . 緬因州最著名的作物是馬鈴薯,產量占全國作物的百分之十二左右。

Friction losses in the equivalent lengths of ducts constitute the pressure loss in the elbow . 管道的等量長度中的摩擦損失即構成彎管中的壓力損失。

Enterprises owned by the whole people constitute the leading force in china 's socialist economy . 全民所有制經濟是我國社會主義經濟的主導力量。

Each such part and its associated set of equations constitute a separate system . 每個這樣的部分以及與其它對應的方程組構成了一個分離系統。

The landing in the 45th division sector constituted one of the finest exhibitions of seamanship . 第四十五師之登陸成績優良,堪作海軍模范。

The vibrations which constitute a wave in a gas superposed on the random thermal motion . 氣體中形成波的振動疊加在這種無規則熱運動上。

The unity of government which constitutes you as one people is now dear to you . 政府的統一,構成大家為一個民族,現在也為你們所珍視。

This sequence constitutes an efficient method for preparing arylcyclopropylacetylenes . 這種反應構成了制備芳基環丙基乙炔的有效方法。

Soil micro-organisms constitute a diverse and ubiquitous group of organisms . 土壤微生物是由完全不同的和無孔不入的有機體類群所組成。

it constitutes a presheaf of ring on the basis of open sets. (xf)fa . 這構成了開集基(Xf)fA上的環的予層。

The committee had been improperly constituted , and therefore had no legal power . 該委員會的建立不合規定,因而沒有合法的權力。

Bankers say financial stringency constitutes a serious threat to the country . 銀行家們說信用緊縮對國家構成了嚴重的威脅。

In practice, this effect constitutes a background for ip mineral surveying . 實際上,這種效應構成了IP礦產調查時的背景場。