
constituent assembly 【法史】國民議會。

constituent body

The same thought synthesized all thoughts of the 20th century above all the thought process by initiating totally a new movement guided by the same thought we forwarded the concept of the constituent assembly , the concept of the republic and the vision of the advanced restructuring of the state 這一思想總結了20世紀的全部思想,最重要的是,在一思想的指導下,開始了一個全新的運動進程,這一進程中,我們發展了立憲會議的概念、共和國的概念和重建國家的前景。

If some body thinks that the great army is a weakness , and our feeling of responsibility too is a weakness our commitment to the constituent assembly is a weakness and our honesty also is a weakness , he will follow the same destiny like gyanendra 如果有人認為偉大的軍隊軟弱,認為我們的責任感也是軟弱,認為我們對立憲會議的忠誠是軟弱,認為我們的真誠也是軟弱,他的下場就會象賈南德拉一樣。

We said long ago that we have to go on a different front , from the constituent assembly to fulfil the historical responsibility about satisfying the desires of the people when we had said it , there were only about 1700 people killed 我們很早以前就說我們必須開始另一條不同的戰線,從立憲會議肩負起滿足人民愿望的歷史責任,當時我們提出這些時,就有約1700人被殺。

So we are apprehensive as to whether the parliamentary political parties will only work to improve and institutionalise the house and legitimise it rather than moving ahead in the direction of a constituent assembly 因此我們理解為什么議會政黨只是改善并使議會合法化而不是朝著制憲會議的方向前進。

The constituent assembly election is not only for the declaration of the republic , but also for the new and advanced formation of the nation 立憲會議不僅要宣布尼泊爾為共和國,而且要建立新的進步的國家。

His supporters won a majority in a constituent assembly , but have met stubborn resistance from a well - organised opposition 他的支持者在憲法會議里獲得了多數,但卻遇到了反對派精心組織的頑強抵抗。

In venezuela , mr ch vez laid the basis for his virtual monopoly of power through a constituent assembly in 1999 在委內瑞拉,查韋斯先生通過1999年成立的一個憲法會議實現他對國家權力實際上的壟斷。

To decide the issue of whether or not to retain the monarchy by simple majority in the first meeting of constituent assembly 是否要保留君主制的問題要在立憲會議第一次會議中以簡單多數的方式解決。

Perhaps , since the announcement has been made to go for constituent assembly elections , there should be no uncertainties 問:或許,如果宣言是為了召開制憲會議,就不會有什么疑問了?

If they had agreed to go for the constituent assembly , the thirteen thousand people had not lost their lives 如果他們同意召開立憲會議,就不會有13000失去他們的生命了。

Q . that means the management of arms and armies will not be a stumbling block on the way to a constituent assembly 那意味著管理武器和軍隊將不會成為制憲會議的障礙?

We had said the constituent assembly even when we sat for the talks the first time 當我們第一次座下來談判的時候,我們就提到了立憲會議。

Russian constituent assembly 俄國立憲會議

The verdict of the people ' s revolution is constituent assembly 人民革命的目標應是制憲會議。

Constituent assembly is the heart of the revolution 制憲會議是革命的核心。

Our main agenda was always a constituent assembly 我們主要目標仍是制憲會議。