
constituent adj.1.構成的,組織的,成分的。2.有選舉權的,有提...

constituent assembly

Studies on chemical constituents of hypericum perforatum l 貫葉連翹化學成分分析

Studies on chemical constituents of hypericum perforatum 貫葉連翹的化學成分研究

The surface of the finished glass has the power to adsorb out of the resin mixture one or more constituent necessary for complete curing of the resin . 處理過的玻璃表面有從樹脂混合物中吸附出一種或幾種組分的能力,而這些組分對樹脂完全固化是很必要的。

Bond fracture appeared to be due to osmotic pressure generated in the bubble by water soluble constituents leached from the interface . 粘結破裂的出現是由于外界面溶解出水溶性成分而鼓泡產生滲透壓力之故。

A material is completely characterized when the identity and position of all of its constituent atoms are known . 如對某種材料的組成原子的等同性與位置都了解了,那么,該材料的品質就完全鑒定了。

Life was a dark, insoluble mystery, but whatever it was, strength and weakness were its two constituents . 人生是玄妙的,不可分解的秘密,但是不管怎么樣,強和弱就是它的兩種組織成份。

Indeed, only in the region about θ=0 will all of the constituent colors overlap to yield white light. 確實,只有在0附近的區域,所有各種成分的顏色才會重疊在一起而得出白光。

Add more of one of the constituent elements to the material, and see whether the material remains homogeneous . 向物質中多加入某一種組分元素,看看此種物質是否還保持同質性。

We must recall that this reaction involves not just the encounter of two molecules and constituent atoms . 我們必須強調指出,該反應不只是兩個分子碰撞和組成原子的碰撞。

It is for this reason that hydrogen, e. g. as water, is an important constituent of neutron shields . 由于這一緣故,氫(例如水)便成為中子屏蔽體的一個重要組成部分。

In the granites and related rocks the alkalis are, of course, noticeably in excess of the femic constituents . 在花崗巖及有關的巖石中,堿質當然顯著地超過鐵鎂組分。

The cuticles of most vascular plants are covered with a thin layer of largely hydrophobic constituents . 大部分維管囊植物的角質層都被有薄薄一層很疏水的成分。

In the determination of the inorganic constituents of the sediment there are two ways to look upon the analysis . 對沉積物中無機成分的測定有兩種分析方法。

Carbon dioxide is reported to absorb primarily onto surface alkali or alkali-containing constituents . 據報道CO2吸附主要在堿性表面或含堿成分的表面上。

Politicians pride themselves on their ability to maintain contact with the thinking of their constituents . 政客們以能夠與選民的想法保持接觸而自豪。

The molecular weight of a molecule is the sum of the atomic weights of the constituent atoms . 一種分子的分子量就是構成它的原子成分之原子量總和。

The process in which substances are converted to their constituent atoms is called “cracking“ . 物質轉變為其組成的原子的過程叫做“裂解”。

Boric acid is used in nickel plating, and would presumably be a constituent of rinse water . 硼酸用于鍍鎳,大概也是漂洗液的一個組成部分。

The principal constituents of the atmosphere and their abundances are given in table 13. 1 . 大氣的主要成份及所含成分的百分比在表131。