
constipate vt.1.使遲滯,使閉塞。2.【醫學】使便秘。短語和例子...


With shevchenko and ballack in the side chelsea look tight and constipated in midfield . they lack width and their attacking options are at a premium 有舍甫琴科和巴拉克在球隊里,切爾西的中場看上去很緊密,而且不順暢。沒有了寬度,他們的進攻選擇很短缺。

You can add it sooner if the dog is getting a little constipated , or later if things are still a bit soft and runny 如果狗狗有便秘,那就快一點加入素食;如果他的糞便太松軟了,那就遲一點。

If one is constipated , call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if one is so guided from within 如果你患了便秘,召喚我們的王國;或者進食我們的藥草,如果你從內在被如此指引的話。

A study on microecology of intestinal tract in patients with constipated type of irritable bowel syndrome 便秘型腸易激綜合征的腸道微生態學研究

The baby is constipated 這嬰兒患便秘。

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Have a tendency to be constipated 有便秘傾向

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He has been constipated for a few days 他便秘了好幾天

He has been constipated for a few days 他便秘了好幾天。

Quiet ! why is he stiii at the restroom ? is he constipated 安靜!他為什么還在廁所里?他便密嗎

If you ' re constipated you may need a laxative 便秘時可服用瀉劑

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Q . did you hear about the constipated mathematician 你聽說過那個便秘的數學家嗎?

If you ' re constipated you should eat more roughage 假若便秘就應該多吃粗糙食物

You ' ll get constipated if you never eat fruit 如果你總不吃水果,你會得便秘的。