
consternation n.驚愕,恐怖,驚惶失措。 throw (sb.) in...


Perceiving it vain to argue against her insanity , i was planning how i could reach something to wrap about her , without quitting my hold of herself for i could not trust her alone by the gaping lattice , when , to my consternation , i heard the rattle of the door handle , and mr linton entered 看來跟她的瘋狂爭執不休是白費精力,我就盤算著怎么能既不松開手,又能找些衣服給她披上。因為我不放心她一個人在敞開的窗子前。這時,使我大為驚訝的是聽見門柄軋的一聲,林敦先生進來了。

It is not easy for any one , who has not been in the like condition , to describe or conceive the consternation of men in such circumstances ; we knew nothing where we were , or upon what land it was we were driven , whether an island or the main , whether inhabited or not , inhabited ; and as the rage of the wind was still great , tho rather less than at first , we could not so much as hope to have the ship hold many minutes without breaking in pieces , unless the winds by a kind of miracle should turn immediately about 等待著我們的海岸是巖石還是沙灘,是陡岸還是淺灘,我們一無所知。我們僅存的一線希望是,進入一個海灣或河口,僥幸把小艇劃進去或劃近避風的陡岸,找到一片風平浪靜的水面。但我們既看不到海灣或河口,也看不到陡岸而且,我們越靠近海岸,越感到陸地比大海更可怕。

Friday took his aim so much better than i , that on the side that he shot , he kill d two of them , and wounded three more ; and on my side , i kill d one , and wounded two : they were , you may be sure , in a dreadful consternation ; and all of them , who were not hurt , jump d up upon their feet , but did not immediately know which way to run , or which way to look ; for they knew not from whence their destruction came : friday kept his eyes close upon me , that as i had bid him , he might observe what i did ; so as soon as the first shot was made , i threw down the piece , and took up the fowling - piece , and friday did the like ; he see me cock , and present , he did the same again ; are you ready , friday 他手里一拿到武器,就仿佛滋生了新的力量,頓時就向他的仇人們撲過去,一下子就砍倒了兩個,并把他們剁成肉泥。因為,事實上,我們所進行的這場攻擊實在太出乎他們的意料之外了,這班可憐的家伙給我們的槍聲嚇得東倒西歪,連怎樣逃跑都不知道,就只好拿他們的血肉之軀來抵擋我們的槍彈。星期五在小船上打死打傷的那五個,情形也一樣。

They had not mistaken the gravity of this event , for the moment after morrel had entered his private office with cocl s , julie saw the latter leave it pale , trembling , and his features betraying the utmost consternation . she would have questioned him as he passed by her , but the worthy creature hastened down the staircase with unusual precipitation , and only raised his hands to heaven and exclaimed , “ oh , mademoiselle , mademoiselle , what a dreadful misfortune 她們并沒有錯估這件事的嚴重性,因為莫雷爾和柯克萊斯同進辦公室以后,尤莉看到后者出來的時候臉色蒼白,渾身發抖,神色驚恐不安,當他經過她身邊的時候,她本來想問問他,但那老實人一反常態,竟慌慌張張地急忙奔下樓去,只是舉手向天,驚嘆道: “噢,小姐,小姐!

With a touch of fear for the young man beside him , whom he furtively scrutinised with an air of some consternation remembering he had just come back from paris , the eyes more especially reminding him forcibly of father and sister , failing to throw much light on the subject , however , he brought to mind instances of cultured fellows that promised so brilliantly , nipped in the bud of premature decay , and nobody to blame but themselves 于是,就懷著幾分驚愕悄悄地端詳著這個青年,想起他剛從巴黎回來不久,尤其是那雙眼睛,令人強烈地聯想到他的父親和妹妹。但這也沒能解決什么問題。不管怎樣,他想起幾個頗有教養者的事例,縱然前程似錦,卻過早地凋謝,剛萌芽就夭折了。

Paul and de are running wild , much to the consternation of their police officer father who ups the ante by ordering the two to live in taiwan and serve military duty . the duo responds by gutting a supermarket and butting heads with aggressive cop king kong , unleashing a fireball of violence that quickly sends their lives into a frightening tail - spin . fans will enjoy andy s rebellious persona , rare at the time considering his idol good looks 嚴秋華繼夜車后任性演出,第一幕燒車已為霍耀良這出后新浪潮作品定下演出主調,劉德華飾演比較顧慮的哥哥,卻認定以阿飛正傳里的占士甸為藍本他們共同的房間就掛有占士甸的海報,故給人格格不入之感,幸好故事后來發展哥哥承繼了弟弟的反叛,并有過之而無不及,劉德華的個人叛逆形象遂得落實。

With a dim sense that he was vexed she looked steadily ahead as they trotted on near melbury down and wingreen , till she saw , to her consternation , that there was yet another descent to be undergone . you shall be made sorry for that ! he resumed , his injured tone still remaining , as he flourished the whip anew 她隱隱約約地感覺到他的惱怒,所以在馬車一路小跑走近梅爾布里坡和溫格林的路上,她就只好眼睛看著前方,坐著不動,直到她看見前面還有另一段下坡路要走的時候,她才大吃一驚。

After expressing consternation about their payroll for weeks , the yanks may wind up trading randy johnson , then spending the very $ 16 million that was targeted for johnson on barry zito for 2007 , plus $ 16 million a year for five more years after that 在連續幾周表示對于薪資總額的驚慌失措之后,洋基可能最后會把老怪交易出去,然后把原本要付給老怪的那個1600萬美元花在2007年的雞頭身上,再加上往后5年每年1600萬美元。

It is scarce possible to imagine the consternation i was now in , being driven from my beloved island for so it appear d to me now to be into the wide ocean , almost two leagues , and in the utmost despair of ever recovering it again 我眼看自己被沖進茫茫的大海,離開我那可愛的小島有六海里多遠-現在我從心底里感到我的小島確實可愛無比。看到我已沒有回島的希望,內心的惶恐簡直難以形容。

As a result , he missed much of the dodgers ' spring training , to the consternation of a new management team that wanted to see what it had in the left - hander , whose vast potential had been obscured by five years of elbow problems 他在春訓中缺席太多,造成新的管理團隊一陣錯愕,他們希望知道這個左投有多大本事,因為小小郭大部分的潛力都被5年來的肘傷所遮蔽。

He then handed her in , maria followed , and the door was on the point of being closed , when he suddenly reminded them , with some consternation , that they had hitherto forgotten to leave any message for the ladies at rosings 然后他扶她上車,瑪麗亞跟著走上去,正當車門快要關上的時候,他突然慌慌張張地提醒她們說,她們還忘了給羅新斯的太太小姐們留言告別呢。

In a scheme that smacks of carrying coal to newcastle , scientists have proposed importing sharks to australia ' s east coast - causing consternation among tourism and beach safety authorities 近日,澳大利亞的科學家們建議進口外表兇猛的沙錐齒鯊并放入澳大利亞東海岸,這一提議立即嚇壞了海灘游客和安保部門。

In september some schools in beijing ( to the consternation of media commentators ) introduced a new curriculum for senior secondary students that makes the study of the first and second world wars optional 九月,北京的一些學校(很是讓媒體評論員吃驚)為高中生引進了新的課程? ?選修一戰和二戰的歷史。

Therefore , all questions , comments , concerns , complaints , frustrations , irritations , aggravations , insinuations , allegations , ccusations , contemplation ' s , consternation and input should be directed elsewhere 因此,所有的問題,意見,抱怨,牢騷,憤怒,惱怒,諷刺,辯解,企圖,驚訝都應該指向別的公司。

The next afternoon , accompanied by arthur , she arrived in the morse carriage , to the unqualified delight of the silva tribe and of all the urchins on the street , and to the consternation of maria 這叫西爾伐家的孩子們和街道上的頑童們說不出地歡喜,卻叫瑪利亞大吃了一驚。

Widespread calls by political leaders to overhaul the health care system have hit the stocks , as has consternation over the feeble state of the industry leaders ? ? pipelines 徹底檢查醫療制度的政治領袖的廣大呼叫已經打存貨,如同在工業領袖的微弱狀態上方有驚愕? ?管道。

The murky creature made a sound unlike any kara would have expected from one of his kind , a sound that she recognized instantly as a sign of consternation 陰暗的生物發出一種聲音,與卡拉以為這種生物能發出的任何聲音都不一樣,那是一種能讓她立即辨認出驚恐之情的聲音。

Struck with consternation , the old gentleman exclaimed , what do you tell me i left him safe and free within these two hours , and am about to return to him 老人大驚失色,叫道, “你說什么!我離開他還不到兩個鐘頭呢,那時他還好好的。我正打算回他那兒去! ”

To the joy and consternation of animal lovers , her birth could lead to a new industry , the large - scale cloning of pets 對于寵物愛好者來說,茜茜的出生讓他們既歡欣鼓舞,又感到一絲惶恐,因為這只克隆貓咪的出生可能會引領一個全新產業的發展- -大規模的寵物克隆。