
constellate vt.1.形成星座;使群集。2.用星群樣的飾物裝飾。 t...


Company owing to thorough but original comprehension of chinese market , constellate the chinese and foreign marketing essence , from create a set of marketing mode of “ a half of supermarket tread “ of . the marketing mode of the usage “ a half of supermarket tread “ , the company turns to circulate the realm in the agriculture from zero starts , only use ten years to become the flagship of the profession for the development , once bring about numerous sale storms in the industry , drive for the miracle of the chinese and foreign marketing history . a manager of the company sale sung spring scenes the sir is a chinese agriculture to turn the experienced marketing expert of market , serving as the united states at the same time , new zealand etc . the country well - known several marketing advisers of pharmaceutical factory of company and domestic and the market sales plan the person 公司基于對中國市場深入而獨到的理解,薈萃中外營銷精華,自創出一套“超市場半步”的營銷模式。運用“超市場半步”的營銷模式,公司在農化流通領域從零起步,僅用十年時間就發展成為行業的旗艦,曾在業內掀起無數次銷售風暴,被譽為中外營銷史上的奇跡。公司銷售部經理宋春光先生是中國農化市場資深營銷專家,同時擔任著美國新西蘭等國知名公司和國內數十家藥廠的營銷顧問及市場銷售策劃人。

Of the eons of geological periods recorded in the stratifications of the earth : of the myriad minute entomological organic existences concealed in cavities of the earth , beneath removable stones , in hives and mounds , of microbes , germs , bacteria , bacilli , spermatozoa : of the incalculable trillions of billions of millions of imperceptible molecules contained by cohesion of molecular affinity in a single pinhead : of the universe of human serum constellated with red and white bodies , themselves universes of void space constellated with other bodies , each , in continuity , its universe of divisible component bodies of which each was again divisible in divisions of redivisible component bodies , dividends and divisors ever diminishing without actual division till , if the progress were carried far enough , nought nowhere was never reached 隱藏在大地的洞穴里和能移動的石頭底下蜂巢和土墩子中那無數微小的昆蟲類的有機生物:微生物病菌細菌桿菌精子憑著分子的親和之凝聚力而粘在一根針尖上那幾萬幾億幾兆個多不勝數肉眼看不到的微小顆粒人類的血漿是一個宇宙,群集著白血球和紅血球,每個血球又各自形成一個空虛的宇宙空間,群集著其他球體各個球體連續性地也是由可分割的構成體形成的宇宙,各個構成體又可以分割成為幾個能夠進一步分割的構成體。就這樣,分子與分母實際上在并未分割的情況下就不斷地減少了。如果這個過程延續到一定時候,就永遠在任何地方也不會達到零。

Content : the topic of this activity is to spread the chinese food culture , emerge international fine food in shenzhen , constellating well - known travel enterprises of shenzhen and construct a grand occasion for the public 活動內容:本次活動主題為弘揚中華飲食文化、展現國際美食風采,薈萃深圳旅游名企,營造民眾喜慶盛會。

In the four seasons such as the spring city kunming of the spring , locate at a scenery beautiful , the botanical garden that different wood of famous courtesan constellate 在四季如春的春城昆明,坐落著一個風景秀麗名花異木薈萃的植物園。

8 world tennis stars constellated in shanghai 8位網壇巨星在上海

The poets constellate in this twon every summer 詩人們每逢夏天繁星點點地聚集在這個小鎮。