
constantine 短語和例子Constantine1n.1.康斯坦丁〔男子...


The state church of the emperor constantine created a fixed list of books which would serve for all time as the rule of faith . they also made lists of books that were to be weeded out of circulation , no longer to be considered as scripture 君士坦丁大帝時期的國家教堂曾制訂了一個固定的經文目錄,作為信仰的永恒準則教堂也列出要刪除之經文,使之不再流傳,也不再被視為經典。

Constantine and lockwood have proposed a notation for diagramming use - case relationships , but i prefer to use standard uml , introducing stereotypes when no existing notation convention can be pressed into service ) constantine和lockwood已經提議用圖表表示用例關系的表示法,但我更喜歡使用標準uml ,當暫時沒有與現成表示法可以使用時,標準uml會使用固定形式。

Based on the dc comics vertigo hellblazer graphic novels and written by kevin brodbin and frank cappello , constantine tells the story of john constantine keanu reeves , a man who has literally been to hell and back 約翰康斯旦丁天生擁有超能力,能夠看見魔鬼游走人間,縱使知道自己命不久矣,仍覺得有使命感要將它們趕回地獄。

Additionally , constantine karayannopoulos executive vp - amr shares the attendees with amrs successful commercial experiences in jiangsu . following the seminar , a mini media reception is held by cjcc and aci 技術有限公司分管中國地區的副總裁卡拉揚諾波羅斯也與大家分享了其在江蘇合資企業成功的經驗。

Constantine the great becomes emperor of rome , and moves the capital to byzantium ( constantinople ) . he also makes christianity the official religion of the roman world 君士坦丁大帝成為羅馬皇帝,遷移首都到拜占庭(君士坦丁堡) 。他使天主教成為羅馬世界的法定宗教。

The custom of wearing new clothes on easter began around 300 a . d . , around the time of constantine , the first christian emperor 在復活節穿新衣服的習俗是在公元后300年左右開始的,大約在第一個基督徒皇帝康斯坦丁的時代。

Constantine and lockwood recommend that you represent nonlinear operations using phrases like “ in any order : “ followed by a list Constantine和lockwood建議,表示非線性操作時使用象“以任何次序: ”后面跟一個列表。

Based on the dc comics vertigo hellblazer graphic novels and written by kevin brodbin and frank cappello , constantine tells the story of john constant . . 這部超乎想像力的靈異奇幻動作猛片? .

This is constantine 我是康斯坦丁

Constantine i or the great 康士坦丁大帝

Post - christian policies of constantine the great as reflected in the milan decree of pardon 看君士坦丁皇帝的基督教政策

Mr . mark constantine , ifc press desk in prague , at 790 999 5701 國際金融公司設于布拉格的新聞統籌中心44 790 999 5701

Constantine and christianity 君士坦丁與基督教

Leon constantine port vale 64 康斯坦丁維爾港64

King constantine i of greece 希臘國王康斯坦丁一世

Constantine special edition dvd 魔間行者限量版dvd

And l - - you were constantine -而我-你是康斯坦丁

Wait a minute . i told you about lisa constantine years ago 怎么了。我從前就告訴過你關于麗沙肯絲坦叮了啊。

Constantine was bull ' s brother 康斯坦丁是蠻牛的哥哥