
constant temperature 恒溫。

constant-level ballon

Test method for building sealants part 12 : determination of adhesion cohesion properties at constant temperature 建筑密封材料試驗方法第12部分:同一溫度下拉伸-壓縮循環后粘結性的測定

The system includes hardware composition and software system used for constant temperature control and data collection 整個系統包括實驗裝置的硬件組成和恒溫控制與數據采集軟件系統。

Building construction - jointing products - determination of adhesion cohesion properties of sealants at constant temperature 建筑施工.連接產品.恒溫下密封劑的粘附粘結性能的測定

At each test point , readings are taken and compared with the laboratory standards , in constant temperature baths 每個測試點的讀數將被記下,并于恒溫槽內與本所的標準進行對比。

Building construction - jointing products - determination of adhesion cohesion properties of sealants at constant temperature 房屋建筑.連接件.恒溫下密封膠粘附粘結性能的測定

At constant temperature , changes in melt viscosity are often due to variable feed rate and / or poor mixing 溫度恒定時,熔融粘度變化通常是由于投料速率變化和/或混和不均導致的。

Plastics piping systems - thermoplastics pipes - determination of resistance to internal pressure at constant temperature 塑料管道系統.熱塑塑料管.恒定溫度下耐內壓性能的測定

At the basic , we developed szg - a with feature of stepless adjustment , and constant temperature control for 在此基礎上,我們開發了szg - a它既可無級調整,又能進行恒溫控制。

We apply fuzzy controller to the process which includes three subsidiary constant temperature process 選用模糊控制的方法對磷酶素鈉酯化生產的三個恒溫過程進行控制。

Preferences of the main working parameters of the auto - heating system for constant temperature in biogas digester 沼氣反應器中自動加熱恒溫系統主要工作部件的參數選擇

6 . sealed type lengthened oven , fast drying with less energy consuming , and auto constant temperature control system 6密閉式加長烘箱,節能快干,自動恒溫控制系統。

It also automatically provides oxygen , stirring , keeping constant temperature and supplying for the need 并且能夠自動供氧、自動攪拌、自動恒溫、自動補給等。

Application of neural network pid controller to the constant temperature air conditioning system in tall and big space 控制器在高大空間恒溫空調系統中的應用

A line drawn on a weather map or chart linking all points of equal or constant temperature 恒溫線;等溫線氣象地圖或圖表上所畫的一條連結同溫或恒溫各點的線

Experimental study on the performance of the unit with constant temperature and humidity under frosting conditions 恒溫恒濕機在結霜工況下運行的實驗研究

Research on the thermal - deformation control by using constant temperature construction of phase change material 電液式萬能試驗機微機測控系統的設計

Design of high precision universal constant temperature control system for electric resistance furnace based on plc 的通用高精度恒溫控制系統設計

Constant temperature : drinking water is most important for children in kindergarten and elementary school 恒溫模塊:幼兒園小學飲水安全最重要。

Pre - heating oven . oil heating for bronzing plate , constant temperature auto control , oil pump circulation 燙金版油加熱,恒溫自動控制,油泵循環。