
constant error 常在誤差。

constant temperature

On the base of researching the theory of the scheme and analyzing the signal feature , it is obtained that the existence manners and character of distance information in the differential frequency signal . at the same time , a new conclusion is gained that the technology of frequency agility can decrease the constant error of system . it is also to say that frequency agility and frequency modulation fixed - distance fuze has the similar feature to random period frequency modulation fixed - distance fuze . according to the theory of address coding in the hopping - frequency communication , the paper presents the principle of selecting the frequency agility sequence which fit to the radio fuze and constructs the frequency agility sequence family based on the rs codes 在深入研究方案原理和分析信號特征的基礎上,獲得了該體制引信差頻信號中,距離信息的存在形式和特點,得出了頻率捷變技術的引入降低了系統定距固定誤差這一新的結論,即頻率捷變調頻定距引信在定距性能上具有類似隨機周期調頻定距的特征。本文引入跳頻通信地址編碼理論,結合無線電引信的具體特征,提出了適用于無線電引信的頻率捷變序列的選擇原則,并構造了基于rs碼的寬間隔頻率捷變序列族。

The relation of radius of curvature and error as well as formulas of increasing parameters on condition of constant error are diverted . the equation of the line on the center of approximate circular arc is obtained , and it can avoids the trouble that numerical solution owns possibility of no convergence and simplifies node calculation of non - circular curve 導出了曲率半徑與逼近誤差之間的關系和等誤差條件下的參數遞推公式,建立了通過逼近圓弧圓心的直線方程和圓心坐標計算公式.按這種方法用圓弧逼近平面參數曲線,不需要求解非線性方程組,避免了計算可能不收斂的麻煩,簡化了非圓曲線的節點計算過程

Calibration constant error and function for gyro - compass on sea trial 航行試驗中電羅經固定誤差校正和效用試驗。