
constant adj.1.恒定不變的,固定的,穩定的,恒久的;繼續不斷...

constant current

Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents . 為了避免意外事故,必須經常保持警惕。

Who could i blame for the constant knot in my stomach ? 對于這種經常悶在胸中的郁結,我能怪誰呢?

The resistivity is then constant and ohm's law is obeyed . 因此電阻率也是常數,并遵循歐姆定律。

Quarters for the palace army were kept in constant readiness . 宮廷衛隊的營房經常處于戒備狀態。

The strain of constant travelling told on his health . 這種過度勞累的頻繁的旅行影響了他的健康。

This is best expressed in the form of an equilibrium constant . 這最好用平衡常數的形式來表示。

The strain of constant traveling told on his health . 這種過度勞累的頻繁旅行影響了雪萊的健康。

His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill . 他的不斷的幫助要求,過分利用了我們的好意。

The breakdown (and building up) of atp is constant . 三磷酸腺甙的分解(和合成)是經常進行的。

The strain of constant traveling told on his health . 這種過度勞累的頻繁旅行影響了他的健康。

Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said . 她總撤謊,我完全不相信她的話了。

Blood progesterone remains constant throughout pregnancy . 血液孕酮含量在全妊娠期保持不變。

For 40 years this device underwent constant improvement . 四十年來,這個器件不斷得到改進。

The relation between salaries remains fairly constant . 各類工資之間的比例大體上維持不變。

There is no harm in multiplying it by the constant 1/(1-y) . 乘以常數1(1-y)沒有妨礙。

Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin . 經常沉溺于惡習導致了他的毀滅。

Return the electrode assembly to the constant temperature bath . 將電極裝置放回恒溫水浴。

The glomerular filtration rate remains relatively constant . 腎小球濾過率也能保持恒定。

We see that there is no numerical value of the real constant . 我們可見實常數沒有數值。