
constancy n.1.恒定不變,定型性,恒久(性)。2.恒心;不屈不撓...


Supernova explosion at song dynasty and the principle of constancy of light velocity 宋代超新星爆發事件與光速不變原理

Cubes , squares or dice - constancy , wisdom , verity probity , and equity 立方體、方形、骰子堅毅、學問、耿直和公正。

Constancy and discretion 望堅貞和謹慎。 ”

Be assured of my constancy to yours , and of my appreciation of them 我保證對你忠貞不渝;你的美德,銘記在我心間。

Study on non - constancy of motion - transmitting characteristics of a mechanical joint 萬向節運動傳遞非等速特性研究

Medical teletherapy systems with gamma - emitting sources ; constancy testing 帶放射源的醫用放射療設備.穩定性檢驗

He has constancy of purpose 他有堅定不移的目標。

He is a husband of constancy 他是個忠貞不渝的丈夫。

Improved color image enhancement algorithm based on color constancy 基于色彩恒常性的彩色圖像增強改進算法

The influence factors and nonlinear modeling of color constancy 顏色恒常知覺的影響因素探索及其非線性建模

The secret of success is constancy to purpose 成功的秘密在于始終如一地忠于目標。最簡單的成功秘密!

Rosemary is emblematic of constancy 迷迭香是貞節的象徵。

Is there not love in my heart , and constancy in my resolves 我心里不是有愛,我的決心不是始終不變嗎?

Dove - loving constancy and peace 鴿對堅貞與和平的愛。

Constancy makes success a certainty 持之以恒是成功的保證。

A cognitive framework for color constancy 顏色恒常認知框架模型

Object size constancy computation based on visual psychology 基于視覺心理學的物體大小恒常性計算

The application of color constancy to color image enhancement 色彩恒常性在彩色圖像增強中的應用

The study of an illumination amp; amp; hue color constancy algorithm 光照色調顏色恒常性算法研究