
constance n.康斯坦斯〔女子名〕。


Downhill , in the wake , came constance in her grey dress , watching the chair jolt downwards . they passed the narrow track to the hut 康妮穿著灰色的衣裳,在后面跟著輪痕,一邊走著,一邊望著顛鑷著下坡的小車兒。

Constance strode nearer , with blazing eyes . the man turned and looked at her , saluting coolly , but he was pale with anger 康妮走上前去,眼睛發著光,那人回轉身來望著她,冷淡地行了一個禮,他的臉正氣得發白。

She was a woman of constance s own age , had been a school - teacher , but connie suspected her of being rather a false little thing 這是和康妮一樣年紀的人,她曾當過學校教員但是康妮疑心她是個虛偽的小人物。

Constance , for her part , had hurried across the park , home , almost without thinking . as yet she had no afterthought 康妮,在她這方面,差不多并不思索什么,她趕快穿過了花園回家去,她還來得及吃晚飯的。

And he took no notice of constance or of lady chatterley ; he just softly stroked her loins or her breasts 他呢,他是全不管什么康妮小姐或查太萊男爵夫人的,他只溫柔地愛撫著她的兩腰或她的乳房。

Beaumont , constance e . how superstore sprawl can harm communities . national trust for historic preservation , 1994 著,超級商場的擴張如何危害社區,國立史跡保存信托機構, 1994年。

Men were awfully kind to constance reid or to lady chatterley ; but not to her womb they weren t kind 男人們對于康妮小姐或查太萊男爵夫人都是十分主藹的,但是對于她的性卻不然了。

This is john thomas marryin lady jane , he said . an we mun let constance an oliver go their ways “這是迎娶珍奴夫人約翰多馬士, ”他說, “我們得和康妮與梅樂士分手了。

Demanded constance , peremptory but a little breathless . a faint smile like a sneer came on the man s face 一個輕輕的微笑,好象嘲弄人似的,顯現在那人的臉上。

Both hilda and constance had had their tentative love - affairs by the time they were eighteen 希爾達和康士丹斯婉妹倆,都曾在十八歲的時候初試愛情。

Constance didn t like this dense new part of the wood ; it seemed gruesome and choking 康妮不喜歡這叢密的新植的樹林,這種地方令人覺得可怖和悶塞。

Therefore the peculiar soft assurance of a girl like constance reid fascinated him 這是為什么,一個雍容自在的少女康士丹斯勒德使他顛倒了。

His name is dusty wright . he ' s the local deathwatch director before constance 他叫做dusty wright ,是deathwatch在本地的前任主管。

Constance , council of 康士坦斯議會

The footage appears to show . . . - constance harraway committing suicide 這段錄像似乎說明了… … constance harraway是自殺的。

I had to keep telling myself that ' s not constance just to get through 我必須告訴我自己那不是constance ,我才能堅持下去。

Constance : could you imagine someone being hanged because of something i said 你能否想象有人會因為我說的話而上吊自殺嗎?

Dr chan hon yee , constance 陳漢儀醫生

For the rape and murder of his university of austin colleague constance harraway 奸殺其在奧斯汀大學的同事康斯坦絲.哈拉維