
constabulary n.1.警區。2.(全體)警察。3.(負責治安的)保安部...


Between 1992 and 1994 , under the police officers exchange secondment scheme , he was posted to the wiltshire constabulary in the united kingdom . he undertook the position of the sub - divisional commander of swindon , an area that was considered to be one of the fastest growing areas in europe 一九九二至一九九四年在警務人員交換計劃下曾借調至英國威爾特郡警隊( wiltshireconstabulary )的斯匯登( swindon ) (當時被認為是歐洲發展得最快的地區之一) ,擔任分區指揮官。

Regional police provide front - line policing 24 hours a day . they are responsible for the traditional constabulary functions of preserving life and property ; preventing and detecting crime ; keeping the peace ; and responding in times of emergency 在總區工作的警務人員提供24小時的前線服務,負責執行傳統的警務工作,包括:保護市民的生命和財產;防止與偵查罪案;維持治安;及在有緊急事故發生時對災難作出迅速回應。

“ we will also consider the civilianisation of police posts that do not involve constabulary duties , the outsourcing of more support services and functions , review non - essential internal and external services , and continue to promote a value - for - money culture within the force 其他措施還包括進一步把非警務工作文職化;外判屬支援性質的服務;檢討非必要的對外及對內服務;以及繼續在警隊內提倡善用資源的文化。

For the performance of duties that do not require the exercise of constabulary powers , the force has a civilian establishment of over 5 , 600 . they are deployed throughout the force to provide administrative , secretarial and technical support services to police operations 警隊目前的文職人員編制逾5 , 600人,負責執行警務以外的工作,提供行政、秘書及技術支援服務,協助警隊運作。

For the performance of duties that do not require the exercise of constabulary powers , the force has a civilian establishment of over 5 , 800 . they are deployed throughout the force to provide administrative , secretarial and technical support services to police operations 警隊目前的文職人員編制逾5 , 800 ,負責執行警務以外的工作,提供行政、秘書及技術支援服務,協助警隊運作。

The force has a civilian establishment of over 5 , 200 to perform duties that do not require the exercise of constabulary powers . they are deployed throughout the force to provide administrative , secretarial and technical support services to police operations 警隊目前的文職人員編制逾5 , 200人,負責執行警務以外的工作,提供行政、秘書及技術支援服務,協助警隊運作。

I m told for a fact he ate a good part of the breeches off a constabulary man in santry that came round one time with a blue paper about a licence 聽說當桑特里36的憲警去送藍色文件37時,它竟把他的褲子咬掉了一大塊,這話千真萬確

For the performance of duties that do not require the exercise of constabulary powers , the force has a civilian establishment of over 5 400 警隊目前的文職人員編制逾5400人,負責執行警務以外的工作。

From reconnaissance surveillance aspect analyzing the relationship between chinese procuratorial organ and constabulary organ 從偵查監督角度分析我國的檢警關系

The management information code of public security accouterments - part 9 : code of constabulary rank 公安被裝管理信息代碼.第9部分:警銜代碼

“ the jamaican constabulary force remains the primary investigating force . 聲明寫道: “牙買加警方會繼續把此案作為主要偵辦案件。 ”

Volunteer special constabulary 志愿特警團

Head special constabulary volunteer 志愿特警單位主任

By the time the town constabulary had been roused, feliks had melted away . 等鎮上的警察動員起來,費利克斯已經無影無蹤了。