
constable n.康斯特布爾〔姓氏〕。


A police constable auxiliary will be considered for promotion to sergeant auxiliary if he she has 符合下列條件的輔警警員,可獲考慮晉升為輔警警長:

A police constable was sentenced to eight months imprisonment for deceiving 7 , 000 from his colleague 一名警員騙取同僚七千元,被判入獄八個月。

“ i have a truant here . “ said constable johnny . “ drive him straight to school . “我這里有個逃學的, ”警官強尼說, “我開車直接送它回學校去。 ”

How did constable hillers hear about you if you don ' t have a well - known reputation 如果你并沒有什么名氣的話,那么治安官赫勒是怎么聽說你的?

If you wish to join as a police constable , you must go through our selection processes 假如你希望加入為警員,你必須通過本處的遴選程序。

Bluff ) no , i want 350 , or i report this conversation to constable hillers 糊弄)不行,我想要350枚,不然我就把你說的告訴給治安官赫勒!

Constable 14a loves mary kelly . gerty macdowell loves the boy that has the bicycle 格蒂麥克道維爾愛那個有輛自行車的男孩子。

Police constable , class ii 二級警員

Assistant chief constable 助理警務處長

A total of 10 probationary inspectors and 129 constables graduated today 今日共有十名見習督察及一百二十九名警員結業。

A visit to the family of the deceased police constable , mr chan yip - shing 馮兆元對陳業升于今日執勤時死亡深感哀痛。

Serving constables to inspectors 現役警員至督察

The following flow - chart will show you the selection process for a constable 以下的流程表顯示警員的遴選程序。

Shabby job so far , constable 這差使可不好干,保安

If you see anything strange , report it to constable hillers 如果你發現了什么奇怪的事,去向治安官赫勒報告!

Do you speak of constable hillers 你是指治安官赫勒?

I ' ll call the constable ! you can call the king for all i care -我會叫警官的-你就算把國王叫來我也不管

Senior constable constable auxiliary 高級警員/警員(輔警)

A force funeral with full honours was held for late constable leung 警隊其后為梁成恩舉行隆重喪禮。