
conspire vi.1.(結黨)密謀,同謀,搞陰謀。2.協力;巧合;共...


Legend , myth , and faith often conspire to confuse rather than clarify 傳說、神話和信仰時常會造成迷惑而非明辨。

Elsie leung and regina ip conspire to place a knife above our heads 梁愛詩和葉劉淑怡,要把一把刀放在港人頭上。

Amon ' s officials conspired against him and assassinated him in his palace 24 [和合]他的臣仆背叛,在宮里殺了他。

The mystical organization syndicate , conspires to harass the social order 神秘組織辛迪加,密謀擾亂社會治安。

And his servants conspired against him and killed him in his own house 24他的臣仆同謀背叛他,在宮里殺了他。

And his servants conspired against him , and slew him in his own house 代下33 : 24他的臣仆背叛、在宮里殺了他。

Amon ' s officials conspired against him and assassinated him in his palace 24他的臣仆背叛,在宮里殺了他。

Events conspired to produce great difficulties for the government 許多事件湊在一起給政府造成很大困難。

Bad weather and car trouble conspired to ruin our vacation 惡劣的氣候連同汽車故障斷送了我們的假日。

For conspiring to rob his own family 告他圖謀搶劫自己的家

He conspired and intrigued only to bring down ruin on himself 他耍盡陰謀詭計,結果卻落得身敗名裂。

Conspired together with the inquisitor 和檢察官一起策劃了陰謀

They have conspired against the government 他們曾密謀反對政府。

Our working theory is that they conspired 我們設想應該是他們合謀

Let no terran agency conspire against this new beginning 再也沒有任何組織來破壞這個新的開始。

Those who plot and conspire will certainly come to no good end 搞陰謀詭計的人絕不會有好下場。

Kings who conspired against one another , 這里的君王們彼此勾心斗角

Against those who conspire to harm you 對付所有那些企圖傷害你的家伙

A group of men is charged with conspire against the government 一人被指控密謀推翻政府。