
conspiratorial adj.1.陰謀的,陰謀者的;陰險的。2.(愛)搞陰謀的...


Kissinger ' s very personal and conspiratorial approach to diplomacy , combine with nixon ' s mcluhanesque electronic style , of using television for his dramatic coup de th tre announcements , provided a sort of surrealist vision of twentieth - century diplomacy 基辛格非常喜歡搞私人秘密外交,加上尼克松的麥克盧恩式的電子作風,在電視上宣告戲劇性的驚人之舉,提供了一幅20世紀外交的超現實主義的圖景。

There is an analysis of the conception and composition of a conspiratorial formation in this part . chapter five mentions the criminal penalty for the crime 對職務型單位經濟犯罪的刑事處罰應當堅持“雙罰制”的原則,而不是“混合制”的原則。

Eiffler . ” with a conspiratorial [ 2 ] grin on her face , karen held up a wooden box filled with short pieces of chalk in every color of the rainbow 卡倫帶著一臉陰謀者的壞笑,舉起了一個木頭盒子,里面裝滿了五顏六色的小粉筆頭。

In 1991 , “ kentucky fried chicken “ officially changed their name to the acronymic kfc , but their reasons were far from conspiratorial 1991年, “肯塔基炸雞”正式更名為縮寫的kfc ,但其原因與任何非法行為無關。

Anything that happens on the earth right now creates conspiratorial views around everything 任何現在發生在地球上的事情都在每個事物周圍制造了陰謀的見解。

She gave him a conspiratorial wink 她向他詭秘地眨了一下眼。

She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字條交給了我

She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air . 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字條交給了我。