
conspirator n.共謀者,陰謀家,謀反者。


The conspiracy , which took place between october 2001 and may 2003 , was in relation to the shareholders being fraudulently induced to accept a reduced acquisition price offered by chau and his co - conspirators for the takeover of the listed company 這宗串謀詐騙案發生于2001年10月至2003年5月期間,周及其同謀涉嫌在該上市公司的收購交易中不誠實地誘使公司股東接受較低的收購價。

This discourages collusion by making it impossible for companies to be sure that their co - conspirators stick to any deal , and encourages entrants into the bidding process by giving them a shot against established incumbents 這就有助于阻止串通,因為競拍者無法得知與其合謀的其他競拍者是否言而有信;這種方式還有助于鼓勵新企業參與競拍,讓它們有機會與老牌運營商一爭高低。

This was atilius titianus , 48 and it was the senate itself that conducted his prosecution , 49 while the emperor forbade any investigation about the fellow - conspirators of atilius and always aided his son to attain all his desires 他是艾提留斯?提坦努斯( 48 ) ,而且是元老院起訴了他( 49 ) ,皇帝禁止對艾提留斯的同謀者進行任何調查,而且總是幫助他兒子達到他所有的愿望。

Sing me something , called the voice of the countess . why are you sitting there so quietly , like conspirators ? mamma , i dont want to a bit ! said natasha , but she got up as she said it 你給我唱個什么曲子, ”這時可以聽見伯爵夫人的語聲, “你們為什么要在這兒坐得太久,就像一伙陰謀家似的? ”

And one told david , saying , ahithophel is among the conspirators with absalom . and david said , o lord , i pray thee , turn the counsel of ahithophel into foolishness 撒下15 : 31有人告訴大衛說、亞希多弗也在叛黨之中、隨從押沙龍。大衛禱告說、耶和華阿、求你使亞希多弗的計謀、變為愚拙。

And one told david , saying , ahithophel is among the conspirators with absalom . and david said , o lord , i pray thee , turn the counsel of ahithophel into foolishness 31有人告訴大衛說,亞希多弗也在叛黨之中,隨從押沙龍。戴衛禱告說,耶和華阿,求你使亞希多弗的計謀變為愚拙。

Then someone told david , saying , ahithophel is among the conspirators with absalom . and david said , turn , i pray , the counsel of ahithophel into foolishness , o jehovah 31有人告訴大衛說,亞希多弗也在叛黨之中,隨從押沙龍。大衛禱告說,耶和華阿,求你使亞希多弗的計謀變為愚拙。

“ that is right , “ cried the marquise . “ i love to see you thus . now , then , were a conspirator to fall into your hands , he would be most welcome . “那太好了, ”侯爵夫人大聲說道, “我就喜歡你這個樣子,現在,好了,如果現在一個謀反分子落在你的手里,我們可正等著他呢。 ”

If conspirators meet in the house of a tavern - keeper , and these conspirators are not captured and delivered to the court , the tavern - keeper shall be put to death 如果在客棧管理人的房子中碰到陰謀者,而這些陰謀者沒有被捕獲和送到皇宮,客棧管理人將被處以死刑。

Although drugs are not grown in hong kong , international criminal conspirators have used the city s sophisticated financial systems to organise worldwide distribution 雖然毒品不是在香港種植,但香港先進的金融體系已被國際毒犯利用為一個世界性的分銷網絡。

The embers of the great fire had so far burned themselves out , and now glowed so low and duskily , that i understood why these conspirators desired a torch 一大堆火也燒得差不多了,燒剩下的灰反著又低又暗的光,我這才明白那些密謀者為什么要借火把。

A fashion designer is raped by a terrorist who is being protected by the federal government until he testifies against his co - conspirators 一個時裝設計師被一個歹徒強奸,可是這個歹徒因為作污點證人指證他的合謀而被聯邦政府保護著。 。 。 。

Damning trash and pretending that it is being foisted upon us by media conspirators is a clever technique ? and a very old one 對文化垃圾大加批判,并一手炮制出這是有媒體試圖控制我們的陰謀論,這一伎倆確實取巧,但也不過是老調重彈。

“ a most dangerous conspirator , a man we are ordered to keep the most strict watch over , as he is daring and resolute . “一個最危險的謀反分子,一個我們奉命要特別嚴加看守的人,這個家伙什么都干得出。 ”

Convicted september 11th conspirator zacarias moussaoui has arrived at the supermax federal prison in southern colorado 罪犯卡里亞斯?穆薩維已經抵達位于南科羅拉多州的超高度安全管理聯邦監獄。

In 1977 , convicted watergate conspirator g . gordon liddy was released from prison after more than four years 1977年,在“水門事件”中被控有罪的g ?戈登?利迪在度過了四年多的牢獄生活之后獲釋。

The immediate result was the execution of fawkes and his fellow - conspirators and imposition of severe anti - catholic laws 結果是福克斯和同伙被立即處死,以及更嚴厲的反天主教法律的頒發。

The conspirators were all captured , and booth was shot while trying to escape from union soldiers 最后這些共謀者都被逮捕歸案,布斯則在試圖逃跑時,遭到聯邦士兵射殺身亡。

Some were banished instead of receiving capital punishment , most of them were not the key conspirators in the crime 遭流徙者往往是觸犯了嚴重惡行,其中尤以謀反罪為多。