
conspiracy n.1.共謀。2.陰謀,反叛 (against)。短語和...


The palace is filled with conspiracies to over throw the throne 王宮里充斥著造反的陰謀

Two fraudsters sentenced for conspiracy to defraud 兩人因串謀詐騙被判刑

I know all bout y ' all ' s gay conspiracy agenda 我知道所有你們這些同性戀的陰謀詭計套路

Might be involved in a conspiracy with himmler .可能參與了希姆萊的陰謀

He revealed their conspiracy to overthrow the government 他泄露了他們推翻政府的陰謀。

Charge : conspiracy to live on earnings of prostitution 控罪:串謀依靠他人賣淫的收入為生

Hundreds of documents could help prove the conspiracy 有成千上萬的文件可以證實共謀。

Five men charged with murder and conspiracy to rob 警方落案控告五名男子串謀行劫及謀殺

The rest of us are part of some big conspiracy . morning 其它人都參與大的陰謀.早上好

This was seen as a sort of satanic conspiracy 這被看作是一個惡魔的陰謀。

That there is a vast conspiracy of vampires , 到處都存在著吸血鬼陰謀的幻覺

They made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy 他們作好準備挫敗這個陰謀。

A threshold rsa signature scheme without conspiracy attack 一個安全有效的組簽名方案

. . . thinks that i ' m at the core of some ridiculous conspiracy . . .以為我在搞什么陰謀

Are we forced to see a conspiracy behind all this 難道要我們相信一切背后有個陰謀?

I changed my mind and dropped out of the conspiracy 我改變主意并退出了這一場陰謀。

I will see this conspiracy cut , take him 我要看著這個陰謀敗露把他抓起來!

Charge : conspiracy to offer advantage to an agent 控罪:串謀向代理人提供利益

The prosecutor here talks of criminal conspiracy - 今天的檢舉針對的是罪犯同謀