
conspicuous consumption 擺闊性消費〔出于炫耀財產而花錢購物等,并非出于需要〕。


This article intends to interpret the over - consumption phenomenon and the “ mismatch “ of economic growth and subjective well - being from a evolutionary psychology view , then proposes that for getting sustainable development , we ' d better re - understand the “ conspicuous consumption “ strategy which leads to over - consumption , and must rethink about the “ view of progress “ prevails in modern society 摘要本文就當前社會中普遍存在并嚴重危及可持續發展的過度消費現象和經濟增長與主觀幸福感的“失配”現象從進化心理學視角進行了解讀,并針對前者提出應重新認識導致過度消費的炫耀性消費策略,針對后者提出應對當前主流的進步觀進行反思。

Higher tax rates may apply to discourage unsocial behaviours and conspicuous consumptions e . g . tobacco , alcohol , adult films and publications , gambling , flashy nightclubs and restaurants , jewellery , high fashion goods etc . in addition , pollution - levy ought to be considered . 4 高稅率亦可打擊一些較為不受歡迎的活動,例如:煙酒成人刊物及電影或引人注目的消費如賭博上夜總會高級食肆高級時裝和珠寶,亦可考慮徵收環境污染附加稅等。

Rich americans are willing to take conspicuous consumption to new heights by spending big bucks to fly into space , including paying 0 , 000 for a 15 - minute trip into the heavens , according to a poll released on monday 美國日前公布的一項民意調查結果顯示美國的富翁們大都原意花上大筆的錢去嘗試太空旅行,比如支付10萬美金在太空進行僅15分鐘的航行。

We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption . we must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity 我們必須避免過分放縱和鋪張浪費。相反,我們應該繼續發揚節儉的優點以守護我們新獲得的繁榮。

This year rolls - royce will sell about 130 cars in california alone , driven by the hollywood set ' s capacity for conspicuous consumption 由于好萊塢式惹人注目的消費能力,僅在加州一地,今年勞斯萊斯的銷量就將高達130輛左右。

At first sight , helping charities looks to be at the opposite end of the selfishness spectrum from conspicuous consumption 初看來,幫助慈善事業遠離了揮霍浪費,是與自私自利相背而行的。

Giving money to charity is thus more akin to conspicuous consumption than it is to blatant benevolence 這樣,向慈善機構捐款就更類似于一種揮霍而不是炫耀自己的善行。

Giving money to charity is thus more akin to conspicuous consumption than it is to blatant benevolence 因此拿金錢做慈善更象炫耀性消費而非顯耀的善舉。

Indeed , conspicuous consumption and waste are an important part of social display 事實上,顯著的消費和浪費都是社會現實的一個重要組成部分。

There ' s a reverse correlation between abundance of food and conspicuous consumption of food 在食物充裕與食物消費之間存在著一個悖論。