
conspecific adj.【生物學】同種的。n.同種。


And supports to the establishment of a separate genus neoeriocheir , but does not provide justification for the recognition of platyeriocheir . the results provided more evidence of the conspecific status of three taxa : e . japonica , e . sinensis and e . hepuensis . the mitten crabs distributed in china and okinawa of japan constitute a monophyletic group sister to e . japonica from osaka of japan suggested that two subspecies of e . japonica : e . j 基于線粒體16srdna部分序列的系統發生分析支持日本絨螫蟹、中華絨螯蟹與合浦絨螯蟹合并為一個物種,即日本絨螯蟹( e . japonica ) ,分布于中國和日本沖繩的絨螯蟹與分布在日本大阪的絨螯蟹構成姊妹群,提示日本絨螯蟹可能包含2個亞種,即日本絨螯蟹指名亞種( e . j . japonica )和中華亞種( e . j . sinensis ) 。

Conspecific desribing individuals that belong to the same species 同種的:描述屬于相同物種的個體。