
consort n.1.配偶(特指在位君主的夫或妻)。2.伙伴,會員。3...


If mary and kate were friends , then to consort with kate was one way of keeping in touch with mary 如果瑪麗和凱特是朋友,那么與凱特交往就是與瑪麗保持聯系的一個途徑。

Fong is appointed to arrange a fantastic trip to introduce hong kong for the princess - consort 另一方面,娟亦被警隊高層賞識,一年之內連升三級,成為警隊傳奇。

Consort rise will be re - routed one - way southbound from victoria road to bisney road from 7 am to 6 pm 由域多利道至碧荔道之間的一段金粟街,將改為單程南行。

The ephemeral nature of the woman ' s attachment to the man makes the man a consort of the woman 這個女子與男人關系的短暫,使得男人成為女子的男伴。

Dr livesey , he said , in how many weeks do you and squire expect the consort “利弗西醫生, ”他說, “你和鄉紳指望的那艘接應的船幾時能來? ”

In old days the emperor and his consorts came here to fish , watch fireworks or admire the moon 相傳這里是帝后垂釣觀煙火和賞月的地方。

Consort rise will be re - routed one - way southbound from victoria road to bisney road 由域多利道至碧荔道的一段金粟街,將改為單程南行。

Normal consort room 普通夫妻房

Deluxe consort room 豪華夫妻間

Father is annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people “女兒與各種來歷不明的人廝混在一起,父親很是惱火。

Most worship some form of the great goddess and her consort , the horned god 大多數人崇拜偉大的女神和她的配偶、有角的上帝。

Standard consort room a 標準夫妻房a

And maybe , perhaps you didn t know there was a consort coming , either 難道你們忘了嗎?也許你們沒料到會有船來接他們吧?

South building consort room 南樓夫妻房

Vajrabarahi is his consort who he embraces in a mystic position 勝樂教法是密集向時輪的過渡階段,故地位非常重要。

North building deluxe consort room 北樓豪華夫妻間

She is often shown standing on the inert form of her consort , shiva 她經常站在她的配偶,無活動性的濕婆上面。

Don ' t consort with criminals 不要和犯罪分子結交。

Of consorting with sense offenders , 同感情罪犯交往,