
consonant adj.(和…)一致的,調和的 (with; to); ...


Q9 pinyin input method has three pinyin categories , namely consonant , single vowel and compound vowel 九方拼音輸入法依照聲母單韻母及復韻母區分為三類拼音。

Computer analysis of acoustic features of consonants before and after restoration with complete denture 計算機語音分析系統對全口義齒初戴前后輔音的聲學分析

A bibliographic analysis about the pronunciation of the initial consonant of fei - group characters in xiangxiang dialect 從相關文獻記錄看湘鄉方言非組字讀音

Y gets plenty of work as a consonant without having to moonlight in a job it wasn ' t designed for 作為一個輔音有許多用場而無須再做些原本并非為它設計的事。

They are overview , vowels , consonants , syllable stress , rhythm , intonation , supplementary units 其中的主題有概論,母音,子音,音節重音,節奏,語調,補充單元。

Principles of zhuyin input method of general character : select consonant , sound and then rhyme 注音輸入一般的規律是:先選聲母,再選介音,最后選擇韻母。

Choose the consonant , single vowel and compound vowel , and select the required chinese character 順序選擇聲母、單韻母及復韻母,然后選擇所需中文字。

The native of zhuzhou county have some difficulty in correctly pronouncing standard chinese consonants 摘要株洲縣入學習普通話聲母有一些難點和失誤。

The phonetic symbols of putonghua comprises 21 initials that are consonants beginning a syllable 普通話語音共有二十一個聲母,聲母是音節開頭的輔音。

On the diachronic levels of the pronunciations of the ancient voiced initial consonants in min dialects nowadays 中古全濁聲母字閩方言今讀的歷史層次

Choose the consonant , single vowel and compound vowel , and select the required chinese character 順序選擇聲母單韻母及復韻母,然后選擇所需中文字。

Comparing vot values of english and chinese stop consonants and acquisition of english stops by mandarin students 對比以及漢族學生習得英語塞音研究

Fu , genqing , modern pronunciation of ancient voiced consonants and natures of she dialect ( 230 ) 傅根清從景寧畬話古全濁聲母的今讀看畬話的性質230

Q9 zhuyin input method has three zhuyin categories , namely consonant , sound and rhyme 九方注音輸入法是依照聲母、介音及韻母三類注音輸入中文字。

Q9 zhuyin input method has three zhuyin categories , namely consonant , sound and rhyme 九方注音輸入法是依照聲母介音及韻母三類注音輸入中文字。

Input method of character without sound and rhyme : select consonant , and press “ confirm “ 沒有介音及韻母的輸入方法是:先選聲母,再按確定。

Input method of character without consonant and sound : press the rhyme button “ 0 “ , and select rhyme 沒有聲母及介音的輸入方法是:先按韻母

Choose the consonant , sound and rhyme of the character , and then select the character desired 順序選擇聲母、介音及韻母注音,然后選字。

Choose the consonant , sound and rhyme of the character , and then select the character desired 順序選擇聲母介音及韻母注音,然后選字。