
consolidate vt.1.使堅固,鞏固;加固,強化。2.合并,統一;整頓...


The workshop should consolidate your understanding of the module 鞏固學生對科目的理解。

A lot more needs to be done to consolidate these results 要鞏固成績,還有很多工作要做。

After summer ' s heat and haste , the year consolidates itself 夏之躁熱后,一年歸于平靜。

B . consolidating our achievements and forging ahead 乙鞏固成果繼續前進

Consider consolidating projects in these situations 在下面的情況下可以考慮合并項目:

Open project files per consolidated project 每個合并項目的打開文件數目

How can we consolidate this with spirituality 我們如何能和修行協調呢?

Some thinking on enterprise consolidating rules 對企業合并準則的幾點看法

A comparison of international consolidated financial statements 合并會計報表的國際比較

Consolidated revenues for 2006 totaled eur 10 billion 2006年公司的總收入達100億歐元。

Plastic closure production is already highly consolidated 塑料瓶蓋生產已經高度統合。

It consolidates feature team and role plans 它整合了功能團隊和角色計劃。

Research on equity method and consolidated financial statement 權益法與合并報表的編制

1 . open all the project files you want to consolidate 1 .打開要合并的所有項目文件。

Consolidated data vendors offer a huge universe of data 數據整理商提供了大量的數據。

Consolidate satellite resources to seek further development 整合衛星資源謀求更大發展

Public sector expenditure on consolidated account 綜合帳目內的公營部門開支

Consciousness should be consolidated in hospital audit work 醫院審計工作應強化的意識

A seed company consolidated few small farms 一家種子公司合并了幾家小農場。