
console vt.安慰,慰問。


Shows the relevant section of the output console 展示了輸出控制臺的相關部分。

To install recovery console as a startup option 將故障恢復控制臺安裝為啟動選項

As console panel has solid chang , bring out solid chang code 當本控制盤有故障時

The output should look like this on your console 控制臺上的輸出應該如下所示:

The websphere administrative console is displayed Websphere管理控制臺顯示出來:

You should see the following output in the console 在控制臺中您將看到如下輸出。

Next generation consoles to share same cpu core 次世代主機將共享同一cpu核心? ?

You will see the following in the output console 在控制臺上會看到如下輸出信息。

He sat at the console and controlled the recording 他坐在控制臺然后控制錄音。

In the administrative console topology tree , expand 在管理控制臺拓撲樹中,展開

You should see this output in the console window 在控制臺窗口中應看到以下輸出:

That writes a single line to the console 的方法,此方法將單獨一行寫入控制臺。

And for console on the second serial port , type 而對第二個串口上的控制臺,鍵入

Full of woe , my heart can never get consoled 我的心里充滿悲哀,永遠得不到慰藉。

Win32 smart device project console application Win32智能設備項目控制臺應用程序

Create a console application , and call it 創建一個控制臺應用程序,并將其命名為

The pressed key is displayed in the console window 按下的鍵顯示在控制臺窗口中。

“ account is disabled but console login is allowed . 為什么不能進行控制臺登錄呢

Do not use the windows services console to stop 請不要使用windows服務控制臺停止