
consolatory adj.安慰的。 a consolatory lette...


In captivity in the shed that had been his prison , pierre had learned not through his intellect , but through his whole being , through life , that man is created for happiness , that happiness lies in himself , in the satisfaction of his natural , human cravings ; that all unhappiness is due , not to lack of what is needful , but to superfluity . but now , during the last three weeks of the march , he had learned another new and consolatory truthhe had learned that there is nothing terrible to be dreaded in the world 作為一名俘虜,皮埃被關在馬棚內,他不是從理智上,而是從自己的現實處境,以自己的生命,悟出了一個道理:人被創造出來是為了幸福,幸福存在于自身,幸福在于滿足人的自然需要,而一切不幸并不在于缺少什么,而在于過剩,在這三個星期的押解途中,他又悟出了一個新的令人欣慰的道理:他已認識到,世上沒有什么可怕的事。

All moscow was repeating the words of prince dolgorukov : chop down trees enough and youre bound to cut your finger , which in our defeat suggested a consolatory reminder of former victories , and the saying of rostoptchin , that french soldiers have to be excited to battle by high - sounding phrases ; that germans must have it logically proved to them that it is more dangerous to run away than to go forward ; but that all russian soldiers need is to be held back and urged not to be too reckless ! new anecdotes were continually to be heard on every side of individual feats of gallantry performed by our officers and men at austerlitz 全莫斯科都在反復地傳誦多爾戈魯科夫說過的話: “智者千慮,必有一失” ,他從過去勝利的回憶中,為我們的失敗尋找慰藉,而且反復地傳誦拉斯托普欽說過的話:對法國士兵,宜用高雅的詞句去激勵他們參與戰斗對德國士兵,要跟他們說明事理,使他們堅信,逃走比向前沖鋒更危險對俄國士兵,只有攔住他們,說一聲: “慢點走! ”

A new soothing and consolatory feeling came upon him , as gazing at the little girls , he became aware of the existence of other human interests , utterly remote from him , and as legitimate as his own 他沉浸在一陣新的喜悅的慰藉之中,因為他剛才看見那兩個小女孩,明白了世上還存在著另一種對他完全陌生的合乎情理的人類的志趣,它同吸引著他的興趣是一樣的。

I encouraged doctor manette in this idea , because i felt that it might one day be consolatory to her . otherwise , she might think “ his life was wantonly thrown away or wasted , “ and that might trouble her 因為我感到到了某一天對露西可能是一種安慰,否則,她可能認為達爾內的生命是被人隨意拋棄了的浪費了的,因而感到痛苦。 ”

She should neither wonder nor condemn , but the belief of his self - conquest brought nothing consolatory to her bosom , afforded no palliation of her distress 她絲毫不覺得詫異,也不怪別人。她即使姑且認為他愿意委曲求全,也未必就會感到安慰,未必就會減輕痛苦。

It was secular and non - judgmental : a kind of aural hug , perhaps all the more consolatory for coming from a stranger 這是一種長期的關愛,無需別人做出判斷其正確與否:一種聆聽給人的力量,也許一位陌生人的聆聽更能帶給人心靈上的慰籍。

It seemed to him that he was thinking of nothing at all ; but somewhere deep down his soul was pondering something grave and consolatory 他覺得他什么都不想,但是,在他的內心深處,他的靈魂卻在想一件重要的和令人欣慰的東西。

This idea , consolatory in theory , i felt would be terrible if realised : with all my might i endeavoured to stifle it - i endeavoured to be firm 這念頭聽起來很令人欣慰,不過要是真的做起來,想必會非常可怕。

Action is consolatory . it is the enemy of thought and the friend of glittering illusions 行動是令人安慰的,它是思想的敵人,是美好幻想的朋友。

On the issue of japanese army to enlist the consolatory women by force during japanese invading china period 日軍侵華期間強征中國慰安婦問題

Action is consolatory . it is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions 行動是可以慰藉的。它是思想的敵人,是幻想的朋友。