
consistory n.1.宗教會議,宗教法庭;【天主教】(教庭的)參議院;...


From the consistory , from the senate , from the university , from the foundling hospital , the vicar has sent he is inquiring what orders are to be given about the fire brigade “爵爺,領地注冊局局長派人來請示宗教法庭樞密院大學孤兒院,副主教都派人來問關于消防隊您有何指示?

But the consistory , that s the church board , said , “ no . no . we got to have thanksgiving , anyway . “ okay , they said , then we shouldn t take up an offering 由于今年受到暴風沖擊,所以人們想取消今年感恩節奉獻,但教會的執事們認為不行,無論如何我們都需要感恩。

He sat regularly in consistories dealing with legal matters . 他定期召集宗教會議,處理法律問題。