
consistent adj.1.一致的,協調的,相容的,不矛盾的 (with...


The result is consistent with previous findings 這與國外已有研究結果基本一致。

Exception handling is consistent across languages 多種語言間異常處理是一致的。

My style of easy banter at first drove him up the wall; it was clearly in consistent with his image of the solemnity of the occasion . 我喜歡開玩笑的輕松風格最初弄得他十分狼狽,這顯然是同他心目中的這類場合的嚴肅空氣格格不入的。

The philosophy of james wilson is perhaps the most consistent expression of the classical american philosophy of law and government . 也許詹姆士威爾遜的哲學是美國古典哲學與政府哲學中最為站得住腳的表達。

More precisely, culture has been defined as the consistent recurrence of an assemblage limited in time and space . 比較確切地說,人們把文化解釋為在有限的時間和空間里一個集合物始終連貫的重復出現。

Hosiery yarns are spun with even less twist to attain maximum bulk consistent with adequate strength for processing . 針織紗被紡成具有更少的捻度,以獲得最大膨松結構,并具有相當強力適于加工。

One of the consistent workers in determinant theory over a period of more than fifty years was james joseph sylvester . 在50多年內行列式理論的始終不渝的工作者之一是JamesJosephSylvester。

He did not think it consistent with the dignity of that council to waste any more time over this scurrilous amendment . 他認為在這種下流的修正提案上花費時間是與市議會的尊嚴不相符的。

This conclusion is consistent with the idea that all atomic nuclear are built wholly of neutrons and protons . 這個結論與如下的思想是一致的:所有的原子核全部由中子和質子組成。

A consistent national farm policy will answer most of the worries about population and its drain on the food supply . 穩定的國家農業政策將消除對人口和糧食供應問題的憂慮。

Scientific jurisprudence weaves all these various forms of law into a consistent and systematic whole . 科學的法理學把所有不同的法律形式編織成一個一致的,系統的整體。

Judgments are more consistent if one can observe the same trait on different plots with little time lag . 假如人們不拖延時間,逐個小區地觀察同一性狀,判斷會更加準確。

As cotton becomes more important to man, consistent means of controlling its disease must be found . 當棉花對人類變得更重要的時候,必須尋找防治棉花病害的可靠方法。

Their excellent survival during autolysis in vitro and ischaemia in vivo is consistent with this . 與此一致是,在體外自溶時和在體內局部貧血時,它們出色地幸存下來。

She summed up that sane consistent something existing in nine out of ten of the people shelton knew . 她總括了謝爾頓所認識的十居八九的人們中那種穩健的言行一致。

The two scenarios provide illustrations of consistent set of outcomes for range of possible policies . 這兩個方案說明某一套可能采取的政策將會產生的一系列后果。

The people's republic of china is a country with a consistent policy of peace and friendship to her neighbours . 中華人民共和國對鄰國的一貫政策是和平與友誼。

A consistent zonal arrangement is a constant feature of those complexes that contain olivine-bearing rocks . 穩定的帶狀排列是這些含橄欖石巖類雜巖的固定特點。

This low time constant is consistent with the stability requirements of close-loop control systems . 這低時間常數是符合閉回路控制系統中穩定性的要求的。